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Opinions about upgrade path

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9 members have voted

  1. 1. Which GPU is best for gaming at 1920x1080

    • nVidia GTX660ti
    • nVidia GTX670
    • nVidia GTX560ti 448 core
    • AMD HD7870
    • AMD HD7950

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I am looking to sell my HD5850 (which u can PM me offers) and I am looking to go green with nVidia. I "think" a good upgrade for the money is the 660ti 2gb card but I'm not sure what the % of gain is. Can someone shed some light about gains and whether or not it's worth it to stay in that price point or should I go higher? Games I play are CS:GO/Valve games, BF3, Rockstar Games, Civ V, SWTOR, & possibly Guild Wars 2.


Another main reason for me going nVidia is A. I havent had one since FX5600 and B. I'm interested in playing with PhysX.


Again thanks for the opinions and comments!

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Never 660Ti, 7950 offers much more for the same money

Don't like rebates: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814129205 $299.99 Lifetime warranty


Do like rebates: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102991 $317.86 Better cooler and 950mhz stock clocks

Edited by IVIYTH0S

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I would wait to see if Nvidia decides to drop their prices, which I'm surprised they haven't yet... damn they're stubborn, jeeez! If you could get a 670 for $320 then I would say that fer sure.


If not then the 7950 is the best deal on the market right now. I would go Gigabyte or Sapphire (one IVI linked). Linking the Gigabyte on Amazon because of the FREE shipping.

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How long can you wait? I really can't imagine Nvidia will keep these prices for too much longer unless I am just completely under estimating how many people will buy Nvidia regardless of the price.


If you really want to try Nvidia, you can say price be damn. I've done that before for products I really want. Its your money. Only way you are going to be satisfied is if you buy something you truly want. If you can afford a $400 graphics card than the GTX 670 is a really solid buy no one but a true AMD fanboi can argue with. The 670 beats the 7970 on 90% of the games (7970 wins on Metro, Anno, Crysis 2 and AvP) and will cost less than a HD 7970.


GTX 670 (reference card) - Benchmarks

HD 7970 (Ghz edition) - Benchmarks (using same site for consistency)


The GHz edition amps it up and catches up to the 670 and narrows the gap it was behind on and furthers the gap on the games it had the lead on (Metro, Anno, Crysis 2 and AVP) but it also has a price of $430-470. Which still makes the 670 a better deal unless Metro 2033 and Crysis 2 are like your favorite games ever and you still play them.


The 660ti is a great card but I don't think its current price is justified especially since it has the same price as the 7950. If you really want the green team then its not a bad card and you won't be too much behind in performance but the 7950 is indeed a better card. So roles are reversed here.


7950 > 660ti ...price and performance

670 > 7970 ...price and performance


If you really want green and don't want buyers remorse (haven't seen/used that phrase in awhile hah) I would pony up for the GTX 670. The 7950 is definitely the best card for Price-to-Performance Ratio out right now but you can at least justify the 670 since its stock performance is better than stock 7970 performance.

Edited by Fogel

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I would wait to see if Nvidia decides to drop their prices, which I'm surprised they haven't yet... damn they're stubborn, jeeez! If you could get a 670 for $320 then I would say that fer sure.


If not then the 7950 is the best deal on the market right now. I would go Gigabyte or Sapphire (one IVI linked). Linking the Gigabyte on Amazon because of the FREE shipping.

:withstupid: Amazon has free tax for me, I just was too lazy lol


Mmmm & I really wanted to try nVidia

5850 serves you faithfully for years and you're like...I'll try the other guys card just because :P


Only get the 670 if it's the 4GB, the 7950 offers just so much more for the money then both 670 (2GB) and 7970 and overclocked to the max it hangs right with them (they can be overclocked to)

Edited by IVIYTH0S

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I am not impartial to AMD or nVidia. I just know that when I decide to upgrade I want to try nVidia because I havent had one in 5+ years. All I really want to know is how much better is the 300 dollar nvidia cards compared to my hd5850? Is it worth it?

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