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Old Old Full Tower Server Case

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At the moment I do not have a Rig, but hopefully soon I will be able to build a modest Rig. However, for some time now I have thought of building a Rig with a Server Case. How modded not sure, but I am keen on it. As such, what sort of make should I go for. Would be second hand, but space up top for a X3 Rad would be desirable. Thanx in advance :)

Edited by Transk53

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Do you need something? :popcorn:


Many moons ago, I saw this modded Server Case that looked really nice. Due to it being many moons ago, can't remember what make it was. Probably find something at a Computer fair nearer the time.

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Chenming made some huge server towers back in the day.

This is my old Chenming 901AD:


caseus8.jpg I think it was like 26 inches tall, 8.5 inches wide and something like ~18 deep.

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Neck i may try and dig up some older photos of my molded dragon. Five 120mm fans and two 80mm fans. Acrylic case bottom. Updated fan hole in acrylic side window. Cools great and will support watercooling if wanted. Lol. Fun case.

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