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modern Devices you don't use

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I'm not talking that old desktop from the glory days you have sitting around.


What modern devices do you own that you never/rarely use?


Me, I own an HTC EVO 4G:


I make about three calls a month, and otherwise it's a glorified email notifier: I hear it beep in the corner and I get up and check my email on the desktop.

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I don't have TV service (Netflix + Internet instead), my DS sits unused now that I have a decent Android phone, and the Wii is usually only used when we have company over. :lol:

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I don't have TV service (Netflix + Internet instead), my DS sits unused now that I have a decent Android phone, and the Wii is usually only used when we have company over. :lol:


Same here. Hulu on PC, Hulu Plus on TV (through the Wii, only thing it's used for.)


Girlfriend is the only one who uses the TV. I might once a month watch something on it.

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