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Messing with TEC


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Seriously? Melt :lol:


I thought ya made it use less power so I was interested.... Ya you can buy 200 watts ones that fit in ODD bay :) It will cause condensation though...

If you buy a good one it will measure dew point and purposefully hold the CPU temps at 3-5C above where condensation would start forming.

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@Dan, I'm not sure what these ones are rated at, I just had them laying around.


@Stoner, I don't care about the condensation, the colder the better. :P


After seeing this I'm not sure whether or not I'll actually do anything more with these (overclocking wise): http://tecpeltier.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=19


DICE is colder than TEC's in series, so It wouldn't make much sense to build it other than just for fun.



EDIT: Might buy some higher rated pads, just because I would like to run them in series for fun LOL

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