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Messing with TEC


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I've got like 6 Peltier pads just laying around, so I figured I'd mess around with them. :P


First up:


I figured I'd use one to cool an old Pentium 4.



I, for some unknown reason, have three soldering irons but no solder LOL. Ended up just twisting the wires together and hoping that they don't come loose.



Put way to much thermal paste on initially, pushed a little to hard on the tube, I removed some before applying the Peltier pad.



Burned myself finding the hot side. -.-



Some more paste to mount the pad's cooler, probably not needed



The hot side of the pad being cooled with a TRUE



In the BIOS the CPU temp gets down to 23C-25C, I'm installing XP now, so we'll see what it can do.



Any ideas on what I should do with the rest of the pads?

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Beer cooler....nuff said :lol: Shoudn't it cool a bit better, or is that peltier? What's the difference in power consumption?


It should probably be a bit better, I believe part of it is the TRUE not removing enough heat and part of it is that I have nothing holding down anything. :P

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waterblock ---- waterblock------------waterblock-------- ect


-----------------120 CPU Cooler----120 CPU Cooler



-----Res-----Pump and then back to waterblock above the CPU.



Any real point to this... Well it would look awesome and you sure as hell dont see it evey day.


Cooling a peltier with another or rather several more peltier TECs

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Err GPU and NB/SB? Two stacked on top of each other? Beer holder cooler.


I'll try the GPU and chipset. :)


I'm not sure if two stacked on top of each other would work. The second would effectively cool the first, but you'd still need to cool the second with something. :P


I guess I'll figure out some kind of beer/drink cooler LOL

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There are if I can find it some $15-20 OF waterblocks floating around on amazon and couple them with whatever air coolers you have floating around as well as whatever spare water gear I am sure you have... Then well you have bragging rights to an amazing and well over the top but still awesome cooling system :lol:


Have you considered playing with TEC and DICE would be interesting to see if it helps or hampers....


(the pointless problems of the bored enthusiast :lol: )

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BEER! ( I hate the stuff)


Phone charger cooler :P Xbox 360 cooler(probably won't work cause of the reliance on pressure...).... soda cooler?


Try stacking all of them on top of each other( be careful here)... power consumption differences please!! I wanna see if I should get one :)

Edited by Dan The Gamer

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Shoudn't it cool a bit better, or is that peltier?


So after a bit of reading I've discovered why my temperatures were so "high".


I'm not running anywhere near enough power through the pad to effectively use it. Apparently to do it properly you need a stand alone transformer.


The way I've got it set up, it's just doing a slightly better job at air cooling.


Also, to do it properly you're, apparently, not supposed to cool the TEC with an air cooler. Doing so will cause the hot side to melt the cool side. (LOL)

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