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RIP Stalker


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I'm sure many of you are aware of the closeing of GSC. This has left me in much sadness and caused man tears to be shed :cry:

This expresses the sadness perfectly

In honor of stalker I've decided to start a thread about it.

Post a little about your most memorable moment inf the zone if you wish. I'll go first!


While investigating of of COP's many under ground facilities much to my disbelieving eyes compressed air canisters started floated off the ground in front of me!

Suddenly they flew at me and I barely dodged in time and they repeated the process (how mean! :blink: ). I ran from room to room and yet they flowed me!

It was all going well until I ran into a room and saw two Yoda's inside of it. Forced to chose between the Yoda's or heavy metal object hell bent on crushing my skull I chose the Jedi master for his kindness was legendary.

However in hind sight I believe the heavy metal objects where much safer... The two masters used their powers to yank my gun out of my hand! (paranoid they must be) Reasonable considering I must have startled them.

However it was a trap I realized as my body flew through the air, a split second latter leaving me to break my neck on the wall be hind me.. :erm:


Whats your favorite memory Stalker?

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My memory is not so much something that happened but more what happened while playing CS and COP after playing SOC.


Like leaving the swamps in CS and saying hello again to Cordon. Or when I stumbled upon the UAV in COP and subsequently unearthed all the notes.


It was nice seeing familiar things from the first FPS game I ever truely enjoyed.



May no other great PC games suffer and ultimately die of consoleitus.

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Not sure, but the forum has a very anti-piracy policy... tread carefully.

He's not discussing how to do it so he's fine. That's pretty much the only thing off-limits AFAIK.



It's always a sad day when a good game studio goes under. :(

Edited by Waco

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I would bot buy it if ea published it and would also not buy it unlim it was sub $5 if it had console menus.


Not.because I am trying to be a PC elitest but because most of the things I loved about the game and the way it played would have to be removed to be viable for multi platform.

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