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Need some serious help with my gaming rig


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Specs : AMD Opteron 180

DFI Ultra nF3

2 gig OCZ PC 4000

WD 150gig Raptor

ATI 4670 HD


I did a clean install of XP pro SP2. I noticed I was getting fdisk errors so i ran chdsk. chdsk would not finish and kept restarting, so i began a brand new XP install. Once windows got to the installing devices I got a blue screen and it said IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL


I have tried 4 different hard drives, 2 video cards and a different set of ram. I still get the blue screen. I reset cmos and still that blue screen. I even made a new disk for my XP install. No matter what I do it always blue screenson me while installing devices. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.

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You can boot into windows and everything right?


This problem is usually do to bad drivers, and in my experience SCSI drivers in particular. (Can sometimes be a memory issue, and PSU issue if its not providing enough power)


How are you installing drivers, and are you using the most recent ones?

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Bad drive.


If you can unplug it and post to the BIOS ten times you should be fine with the mobo. If you get a new drive and it still happens, then it is probably a bad sata port. Replacing the mobo might be cheaper currently : )

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If you can unplug it and post to the BIOS ten times you should be fine with the mobo. If you get a new drive and it still happens, then it is probably a bad sata port. Replacing the mobo might be cheaper currently : )


It could be a bad SATA controller, but I'd check to make sure it isn't a driver problem first, before replacing the mobo (I've seen this error before do to driver problems).


@OP I'm assuming it doesn't boot to windows and then suddenly bluescreen, instead It happens after you start doing something right? (This is at least how I've seen this error)



@TJ, just out of curiosity why 10 times? Or did you just choose a random number as an example.

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@TJ, just out of curiosity why 10 times? Or did you just choose a random number as an example.


Ten is just enough to test the motherboard to see if it will post reliably, but not something as tasking as 20. More or less, it is just a random number.

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Ten is just enough to test the motherboard to see if it will post reliably, but not something as tasking as 20. More or less, it is just a random number.


Oh, based on the OPs description it sounds like he is able to boot into windows just fine, which is why I think its a driver problem, rather then a hardware problem.

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