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Upgrade from CM GeminII S


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Hey Guys,

I am starting to think with the holiday season i might find a good deal/excuse to upgrade my cooler from the piece of junk i am currently running. Its better than the stock cooler but not by much.

So, what would be the best bang for the buck upgrade?

I have been hearing good things about the Hyper 212+ but want know if anyone has any experience with it on a oced i7. My standard oc is 3.8, but with i better cooler i would maybe push it some.

My current temps are:

Ambient: 22c

Average core temp stock idle: 49c!

Average core temp stock load: 73c!


Average core temp @3.8 idle: 62c!

Average core temp @3.8 load: 81c!


You can see why i want to upgrade.

So your suggestions please,

Speed :cheers:

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boinkers I7 920 runs hot not matter the cooler but he has had good results with the 212+ sorry I can't remember the exact numbers for ya though


He is right. MY I7 runs hot regardless, Think its just a lot leaky and abused to death. The Hyper 212 Plus is a good cooler but CM made a New one called the Hyper 212 Evo that I tried out and it shows alot of promise and performs much better then the 212+. I can easily get to 3.80 on my system in the lower 80s so you should be great to OC even further on it then I can. Another good cooler is the EVGA super clocked that you could use. It performs around the same as the Evo but is more expensive. If i was you I would find an excuse to go get a self contained Water cooling unit and go from there. :lol:

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I've looked at water, but i would need to upgrade my case, it wont take a 120mm on the exhaust. Though i suppose mr dremmel could take care of that. But $70s is a bit steep, h50 is the only one i looked at. Maybe i'd be better off starting with a case.... :(

The evo does look promising, have to look at some reviews.

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Antec Kuhler H20 620 is a good cooler for $59 if you can somehow fit it :) Delivers temps better than the H50


Edit : Just found this V6GT on newegg : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103089&Tpk=V6

$48 and then $38 after MIR is a great price for this cooler provided you can fit it


What case do you have that doesnt fit a 120mm fan ?? I had a CM Elite 430 and even that could fit a 120mm on the back. Rather get a case with better airflow and a few fans !!

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Antec Kuhler H20 620 is a good cooler for $59 if you can somehow fit it :) Delivers temps better than the H50


Edit : Just found this V6GT on newegg : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103089&Tpk=V6

$48 and then $38 after MIR is a great price for this cooler provided you can fit it


What case do you have that doesnt fit a 120mm fan ?? I had a CM Elite 430 and even that could fit a 120mm on the back. Rather get a case with better airflow and a few fans !!

Its a beige beast. Came from a '99 gateway machine. It has 7 pci slots, 5 5.5 bays and 7 3.5 bays, a mobo cutout and removable mobo. Pretty good for that old so i kept it rather than shell out 100+ for something comparable. Plus i am in love with the haf x so i would rather not compromise and buy something cheap.

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Do ya'll think that if i upgraded to a better airflow case my temps would improve somewhat? I don't think any of the coolers we have discussed would fit if i need to put the side on my case.

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Well if there is poor airflow then its either modify the one you have or buy a new one. You can send it to me and ill keep the baige box look but real overclocking performance. LOL. For a small fee of course. But if its a new case you are in the market for I would check out cooler master iwinn and some lian li case.

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The video Cards are not helping on the system. In any poorly vented case the video cards take an even greater toll on the system temperature as the heat has time to linger about.


The Dragon looks awesome right now. Some gentle Typhoons or cooler master R4 fans in it and it will be a kick ares case for anyone. Its been modded with an acrylic bottom, front dual 120mm fans, dual 80mm rears, dual top 120mm exhaust fans and one side panel 120 to vent a hot video card out. It needs a paint job but it looks good as it sits. :D

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