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Liquid Cooling Newb

Guest PhuN

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Your set up there means you'll lose you hdd rack or have to mod it quite a bit.


I'll suggest a change to design before any component suggestions

Get a self enclosed loop like the corsair h80 for your CPU and mount it to the rear exhaust.

Run one loop for both gpu with the top mounted 240 rad.

Hydro would be nice but it is cheaper to by a reference (make sure you get reference design otherwise the waterblocks won't work) design 570/580 and waterblock it yourself. However one other benefit of hydro is a true single pci slot design.

You'll want to try and get a decent rad in there with high static pressure fans. I would run a single 580 of the rasa 240 with two look at a higher spec rad.


The HDD cages can be removed with a thumbscrew so that's no problem, the only problem I would face would be modding the front 200mm fan to fit with a rad. I would basically have to drill mounting holes for the rad unless I tried some easier alternative like mounting it with some type of adhesive. I've been looking through all the modded 650D builds I can find and all of them either use adhesive or drill holes in the front.


Looks like your good to go.


Few small things.


You can get a h80 or a h100 if you want to spend a few more $$. This way you dont feed "hot" water to your cpu, and you can get a more stable OC if your going to do that.


If not your setup is ok.


Note for 1/2 tubing , its not really small bend friendly. But l have not read or heard any reviews on the type of tubing your buying yet, so you might be fine if its does what it says.


Also i do like the planning your putting into this. Alot of people dont do this and run into problems of kinking or not enought tubing or wrong fittings. So good Job. :thumbsup:


I considered the H80 and H100 alternatives but it just seems kinda silly to have a custom water loop and use a premade loop. But I still have it on the table if I need to do that. The tubing I have not researched as much as I need to as of right now since I am dealing with the other components and the case mod issue. I just picked 1/2" tubing because I read that it was best for a first time water cooler because if you need to remove the tubing you don't ruin the elasticity in the process like you would with 7/16" tubing and 1/2" barbs. My Reference <----- Is what I am referring to, its about 3/4 down the page.


Thanks for the kind words. I'm trying to make this as flawless as possible. :rolleyes:


I got the EK blocks on my i7-980x and gtx480 and they worked out so well I got another EK supreme HF block for my 2600k.



Oh, and I started useing the bitspower compression fittings a while back and have never had any problems with them, barb's i've had leak. The Compression fittings are cleaner looking as well. :thumbsup:


Just noticed something about your loop.. I would never feed the GPU's before the CPU in a single loop like that.. Also I would suggest putting one of the rad's in the loop between the CPU and GPU


They have very good reviews, the only thing I have read besides that is to avoid the nickel plating because EK has been having problems with their nickel water blocks flaking recently. I don't know if this has been fixed, or what the advantage of nickel plating is. I may be wrong is thinking it is just cosmetic? I have not decided on fittings specifically yet but from all the builds I've been looking at they look very nice so I'm fairly certain that's what I'm going with. Have you had any problems with them hitting each other (like over lapping on the CPU block so they would not fit)?


Ok, I'll adjust it so its Res--->Pump--->CPU --->Rad---->GPU--->Rad?


OP you will want to go res-> pump-> 240 rad ->CPU->200mm rad -> GPU->res. You could also Y out of the 200mm, run a line to each GPU then Y it back together into the res ;)


I think I read somewhere its not good to Y it out but I don't remember where I saw it. As long as there are no flow restrictions from doing that that would be fine, I avoided that originally after reading something saying to avoid it.


:withstupid: This suggestion may be a pain to route through your case but it would be a better cooling option since you will be feeding each waterblock with cool water from the rad. As for the Y connections, that would be sweet but it might require a bit more work. Done properly, it would look very good though, and the case you choose is definitely fit for watercooling :)


Yeah, sounds like something I would like to do but not sure if I should avoid it as its my first loop. Would it make that much of a difference since I'm not OC'ing the living hell out my system?


Look at this guys build.

For all the inspiration you'll need.


Error in my earlier post it is quite easy to get the 200mm rad in at the front. I did not think this was the case but the HDD drive bay relocates easy enough.


Yeah I have that build in my favorites along with some other 650D builds. That build sold me on compression fittings. Yeah the HDD bays are easy, its the 200mm fan that may cause some problems if I don't get the right parts.


Very good looking build and loop, but he is running dual loops, and that isn't going to help the OP out very much! But, 4.2GHz on a 930 isn't very inspirational, I was hitting that on my H50 :P


I am actually considering a dual loop now but I'm still researching it. But if I go with a dual loop I may have to change the case to an 800D.


Who said the op couldn't run dual loops tho alternatively he could stick with the one large loop but if he can condense it to two smaller tighter loops with higher flow rates, he may experience greater cooling.




You are def right, with 2 separate loops he could get better cooling. But, he hasn't said anything about it, and at $660.00 right now, does he even want to spend the extra $$$ it will take to do that? Prob not is my guess, and even if he did, he would have to get a dual bay pump/res to even get it all to fit. Even then it is a tight squeez into that case. But, yea no doubt that is ideal :)


I'm on the fence about it. I originally was not considering it due to the cost and the fact that it seemed overkill but now it does not seem like it will cost a whole lot more than I am already spending and the cooling potential is awesome. The money seems like a drop in the bucket at this point but I still have to add it u. I was looking at the XSPC Dual Bay Dual Res but along with that comes the 800D most likely instead of the 650D.


EDIT: I L2Grammar'd

Edited by PhuN

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If you go with the XSPC Dual Bay Dual Res, then you will have to change your pump, as it does not accomodate the 655 that you originally picked. You will lose some flow moving down to the MCP 350/355, so you will have to factor that into your decision. I for one love the MCP 655/ D5 so I am somewhat biased on the pump :biggrin: If you do want to keep the higher flow with the stronger pump you will need to look at something like the Koolance 452X2, that is if cost is not a prohibitive factor anymore ;) And if that is the case moving to a 800D will give you the opportunity to look into a 360/120.3 rad as well :evilgrin:

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If you go with the XSPC Dual Bay Dual Res, then you will have to change your pump, as it does not accomodate the 655 that you originally picked. You will lose some flow moving down to the MCP 350/355, so you will have to factor that into your decision. I for one love the MCP 655/ D5 so I am somewhat biased on the pump :biggrin: If you do want to keep the higher flow with the stronger pump you will need to look at something like the Koolance 452X2, that is if cost is not a prohibitive factor anymore ;) And if that is the case moving to a 800D will give you the opportunity to look into a 360/120.3 rad as well :evilgrin:


Yeah I forgot to mention that the pumps would change. I would lose some flow but if it has two loops, one for the CPU and one for the GPUs then I don't know if flow would be such an issue. I'm just uncertain whether flow will be an issue if it is in two loops. The problem I foresee with the 800D is the rad placement options. Yes, I could fit a 360 rad on the top but you can not mount a rad on the front and if you mount one on the rear it is not all that pleasant to look at. There are external solution but I'm trying to keep it all internal if at all possible.

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Dual Loop



I avoided the 800D originally because of its size but now that I am considering making a dual loop I kinda have to reconsider it. The 800D has the 360 rad but I am not sure how that would work in the loop with a 120 versus the 200 as in the 650D. There is room for one on the rear exhaust but I'm trying to avoid that, although I'll probably end up having to do it.


The only things I am unsure about is the compression fittings not fitting right, the tubing (size and brand), and the pumps, whether two 355's will have enough power.

Edited by PhuN

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Dual Loop



I avoided the 800D originally because of its size but now that I am considering making a dual loop I kinda have to reconsider it. The 800D has the 360 rad but I am not sure how that would work in the loop with a 120 versus the 200 as in the 650D. There is room for one on the rear exhaust but I'm trying to avoid that, although I'll probably end up having to do it.


The only things I am unsure about is the compression fittings not fitting right, the tubing (size and brand), and the pumps, whether two 355's will have enough power.

There is a dual ek res that takes two switch 655s it's 160 for both pumps 60 for one part of the res and another 10 20 for each chamber. Please don't quote me it's from memory.

I didn't suggest it earlier because it actually takes up a lot of room heightwise but it should fit in the 800d provided you only have one DVD drive int the top expansion bay.

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They have very good reviews, the only thing I have read besides that is to avoid the nickel plating because EK has been having problems with their nickel water blocks flaking recently. I don't know if this has been fixed, or what the advantage of nickel plating is. I may be wrong is thinking it is just cosmetic? I have not decided on fittings specifically yet but from all the builds I've been looking at they look very nice so I'm fairly certain that's what I'm going with. Have you had any problems with them hitting each other (like over lapping on the CPU block so they would not fit)?


Ok, I'll adjust it so its Res--->Pump--->CPU --->Rad---->GPU--->Rad?


I have the 1/2" fittings on both my EK blocks and they fit fine (actually have pic's of one of them in the Case gallery http://www.overclock...en-machine.html ) The fittings are a bit more expensive then barbs but I like them better. Here is a pic of my other..please excuse the wire management it's a small case and didnt want to block the air paths http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.215769895144764.56285.100001352640219#!/photo.php?fbid=215769898478097&set=a.215769895144764.56285.100001352640219&type=1&theater , kind of hard to see the block clearly but should give you an idea.


If you go with a single loop thats how I would (and have) go. Though a duo loop would be better but then again a bit more expence with a duo over a single loop. A lot depends on how much you are willing to spend.

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Dual Loop



I avoided the 800D originally because of its size but now that I am considering making a dual loop I kinda have to reconsider it. The 800D has the 360 rad but I am not sure how that would work in the loop with a 120 versus the 200 as in the 650D. There is room for one on the rear exhaust but I'm trying to avoid that, although I'll probably end up having to do it.


The only things I am unsure about is the compression fittings not fitting right, the tubing (size and brand), and the pumps, whether two 355's will have enough power.


I would not recommend putting a rad on the bottem of your case, your eather going to be drawing hot air into your case, which you dont want. OR your going to try and exhaust it out the bottem with very little room for the air to flow nicely.


If your going to go dual loop. Which is nice and all. Your going to have to put the cpu rad on the back side of the case.

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There is a dual ek res that takes two switch 655s it's 160 for both pumps 60 for one part of the res and another 10 20 for each chamber. Please don't quote me it's from memory.

I didn't suggest it earlier because it actually takes up a lot of room heightwise but it should fit in the 800d provided you only have one DVD drive int the top expansion bay.


Something similar to this I imagine? EK Dual Loop Spin Res


I only have one drive, the blu ray burner, besides that I was looking into a single slot fan controller but that's all.


I have the 1/2" fittings on both my EK blocks and they fit fine (actually have pic's of one of them in the Case gallery http://www.overclock...en-machine.html ) The fittings are a bit more expensive then barbs but I like them better. Here is a pic of my other..please excuse the wire management it's a small case and didnt want to block the air paths http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.215769895144764.56285.100001352640219#!/photo.php?fbid=215769898478097&set=a.215769895144764.56285.100001352640219&type=1&theater , kind of hard to see the block clearly but should give you an idea.


If you go with a single loop thats how I would (and have) go. Though a duo loop would be better but then again a bit more expence with a duo over a single loop. A lot depends on how much you are willing to spend.


Very nice build :thumbsup: Thank you for verifying, I also saw this one soon after posting 650D WC Build. I don't have a facebook anymore so I can't see the second one unfortunately but I get the idea.


Originally I was going for 400$ish but I kept adding more and more like single loop to double then SLI GTX 580's then more fans etc... So when I put everything in the cart the other day it was at ~$1032 which I think is a bit much for my first WC loop :whoa:. So I need to cut it back quite a bit I think, a dual loop just added too much extra cost with SLI'd 580's. Right now I'm aiming for 500-600 which seems fairly reasonable I think.


I would not recommend putting a rad on the bottem of your case, your eather going to be drawing hot air into your case, which you dont want. OR your going to try and exhaust it out the bottem with very little room for the air to flow nicely.


If your going to go dual loop. Which is nice and all. Your going to have to put the cpu rad on the back side of the case.


Yeah I was afraid of that, I don't think I'll be doing a dual loop so that puts the 650D back into the equation. Putting a rad on the rear is fine I just thought I might be able to avoid it.

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I'll probably go with the 800D but its been a harder decision then I thought. Either way, the loop will most likely be similar to the ones pictured below.






With the parts eventually probably looking something like this. The parts would change depending on the case and to start I would not get stuff like the top and pump mod kit etc...




Edited by PhuN

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I'll probably go with the 800D but its been a harder decision then I thought. Either way, the loop will most likely be similar to the ones pictured below.






With the parts eventually probably looking something like this. The parts would change depending on the case and to start I would not get stuff like the top and pump mod kit etc...





ive seen many dual loop lc builds in 800d cases where they have fitted a 240mm rad in the bottom, by removing the hdd bay down there, which will give you a total of 6x120mm rad space (effectively)



also ive heard those fusion res's are disappointing, just a heads up

Edited by Muchoman1

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