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Need help overclocking i7 950 to 4.2ghz

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TIM'. short for "Thermal interface materiel". I believe you referred to it as a seal. This Its the medium between the CPU and the cooling solution. I would wait a couple of days to a week to see how it does after it fully seats but If 1c is all you got out of redoing it I would call it done well and move on to a different cooling solution or back off the overclock until your no hotter then 70-80c under full load and call it good. That is what I would do anyhow if I was in your situation as I am very uncomfortable with that kind of temperature in any processor.

You could always try upgrading your cooling solution if you want. This will cost a bit as there is not much out there besides either the h100, a noctua d-14 or a custom water cooling loop that will get you better temperatures at this point. Depending on what fans you have and how badly you want to get to 4.20 you could add some higher cfm fans to the H50 in push pull and that will get you slightly lower temps. The nuctua is going to run you about 80-100 depending on where you get it. the H100 will run you about $100, just check to make sure your case will accommodate it. and a custom WC loop will be 150 and up.


Good luck and let us know if you should need anymore help.


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Also, make sure that you are running the latest BIOS released for your board. There may be a voltage tweak or fix to cpu thermal monitoring error included in the latest BIOS (of course there might not be either). But you can't rule out that either the diode on the cpu is reading wrong or the motherboard is reading wrong. It won't hurt anything to try.

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Ok guys. So as you know I applied the mx-4 thermal paste, now I put everything back to stock and updated my Bios to the latest firmware. Here are my Temps running prime95. Isn't this too high with the H50?




How do you have the H50 configured?? Is it pulling warm air from inside your case and blowing it out? And do you have dual fans in push/pull yet? Those temps seem pretty high IMO. What is your ambient temp?

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I have no experience with intel cpu's but 67 degrees when running prime 95 dose not seem like a high temp to me, just my opinion, also I never tought the H50 was that great a cooler.


67c isnt bad if it was overclocked. But at stock?? 67c is not great IMO. Also i agree the H50 isnt that great! Im fairly certain with the H50 on top of a i7 950, he should be seeing something like 60c per core at stock clocks. I still dont know what all the fuss it about with this closed loop coolers, other than size i just dont really see the appeal. As far as i know, my old megahalems still beats all but the best closed loop systems(Antec 920/Corsair H100) and the megahalems does it for less than half the price.

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67c isnt bad if it was overclocked. But at stock?? 67c is not great IMO. Also i agree the H50 isnt that great! Im fairly certain with the H50 on top of a i7 950, he should be seeing something like 60c per core at stock clocks. I still dont know what all the fuss it about with this closed loop coolers, other than size i just dont really see the appeal. As far as i know, my old megahalems still beats all but the best closed loop systems(Antec 920/Corsair H100) and the megahalems does it for less than half the price.


+1 to your statement about coolers !

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How do you have the H50 configured?? Is it pulling warm air from inside your case and blowing it out? And do you have dual fans in push/pull yet? Those temps seem pretty high IMO. What is your ambient temp?


I have 1 fan that came with the H50 behind the radiator pushing air in from the back into the case. Then I have 4 other case fans. 2 on the window side pushing air inside, 1 in the front pushing air inside, and the last one on top pulling all that air out of the case. so basically I have 4 fans pushing air inside. The back, the side and front, and 1 fan ontop pulling air out.

Edited by droidclock

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I have 1 fan that came with the H50 behind the radiator pushing air in from the back into the case. Then I have 4 other case fans. 2 on the window side pushing air inside, 1 in the front pushing air inside, and the last one on top pulling all that air out of the case. so basically I have 4 fans pushing air inside. The back, the side and front, and 1 fan ontop pulling air out.


I dont really see anything wrong with this setup. Im personally would want at least one more exhaust fan to try and get that heat out of your case faster.


You really should consider another fan to put on your H50 to have a push/pull setup. Prolly only drop temps by a degree or 3, but still every bit helps. You shouldn't have any problem hitting 4.2Ghz so long as you don't mind your CPU being a little hot. Otherwise, you might want to settle for a slightly more modest overclock of 3.6Ghz-4.0Ghz. Personally anything under 80c on the hottest core is good for 24/7 operation, beyond that and i get concerned.


IMO give it a shot, see how high you can get your clock speed with whatever temps you feel comfortable with. Here is one of the guides i used to get me started, its really quite nice, and it really helped me to understand what i was doing. The rest of it i sort of figured out on my own, but without having help from people here on OCC as well as that guide i know i wouldnt have done as well as i had though.

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I have 1 fan that came with the H50 behind the radiator pushing air in from the back into the case. Then I have 4 other case fans. 2 on the window side pushing air inside, 1 in the front pushing air inside, and the last one on top pulling all that air out of the case. so basically I have 4 fans pushing air inside. The back, the side and front, and 1 fan ontop pulling air out.


Honest to god right now I would focus on getting your case cooling and water cooler optumized. I would get a pair of fans for the H50 and use them. if you can deal with noise the Scyth slipstream 80-100 cfm fans are a good choice that should help out your temps a bit.


With that many intakes and that few exhausts you may have an issue with air being circulated out of the case. unless you have multiple rear exhaust video cards then im going to say you have a positive pressure case. I would figure you would have better load temps but that is what it is. That of course depends on the case. IF there are places to add fans near the top I would add exhaust fans and possible reconfigure the case fans to improve the cooling everywhere. this will just take testing and moving fans to see what works and what does not. There is also the expensive option of dropping your ambient temperature I.E. turning up the A/c system but that is costly and more expensive in the long run.



Also It would be great to know what kind of case you have. this will help us further improve what you have. also state weather or not the factory fans are in place or not and what you replaced them with if it applies.


I just bought me a Prolima tech Megahalems and I got mine boosted to 4 ghz and I belive 4.20 will be possible with better fans in a puch-pull configuration. Lets see if we can get you up to 4.20 at a comfortable temperature as I am curtain 4.20 GHz is obtainable with a lower load temperature.




My 2 cents, Boinker.

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