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Overclocking tips?


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I have a question. To which speed could i best overclock my processor with the current specs?

And do i have enough power?


Specs = Motherboard: GA-X58A-UD3

CPU - I7 950 Bloomfield

Ram - 6Gb

GPU - Nvidia GTX 470

CPU Cooler - Spire Thermax 2

Power supply - 580 W


Thx in advance

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I think the CPU cooler is going to limit your OCing. Its pretty average from the reviews I've seen. your Mobo/CPU combo should be good for at least 4.2 assuming you can keep the heat under control.

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Okay first there is no set level you can reach. Overclocking is a crap shoot on what level you can hit, each chip and even motherboard individually can have an effect.


Overclocking Tips


1) Do not get greedy, remember that ANY overlcock you get is a free performance boost, do not presume you are owed any level. Personally I limit my overclocks to what I can do with idle power reduction features on and at stock voltage. This allows me to keep the system a little cooler and not spike thje power usage opf the system,


2) Keep it cool, heat is the enemy of every PC but when you overclock you are essentially givng that enemy a free shot at you. A good rule of thumb is find out what your chip will hit temp wise at full load with a stock cooler and then shoot for that with a good thrid party cooler with the overclock. This will put you in a safe zone of operation. You can probably go higher and in fairness full load testing almost never comes into play in real usage unless you are a serious folder. However my solution goes back to my first tip, do not be greedy. Do not push to hard.


3) Do not skimp on the supporting cast. Ever seena movie where they have an academy award winning actor and then a support cast of nobody nubs? Does not matter how great the lead actor is the csuuport cast will drag the movie down. The same goes for a PC but especially an overclocked system. Make sure you have a good quality PSU to ensure that the power the system gets is stable and clean, a quality motherboard to ensure the components can handle being pushed outside the expected envelope. Good rule of thumb if the motherboard does not have ALL solid capacitors do not buy it. Pick stable quality RAM, a muct always but with an overclock an even bigger deal. Give your CPU the stopport cast it needs to excel.


4) Finally never buy for a must have overclock. Remember overclocking is an art form not a science and no overclock is the same. With this in mind never buy a system but not be able to be happy with what you bought. For example lets sya you want to build a budget AMD system and you do so around the 955 with the intent to overclock. If you cannot be happy with the system at stock speeds then buy bigger. Overclocking should never be the meat of the meal it should be the gravy, the bonus. Also buy a system that you can be happy with even if there is no overclock that works and then enjoy any bonus you can get from overclocking.

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I would go get at least a corsair ax 850 for that system. That would also leave headroom for later.


Tips: leave overclocking to a hobby stand point. There is no reason to get serious about it. Just get a guide, read it, then get the best stable overclock that you and your cooling solution are comfortable with and is rock solid stable under the worst conditions.


Keep er cool at all costs. The colder it is the longer its going to Last.


Always remember that you are rezponsable for your stuff. Don't do something because someone said so. Read a guide, Manuel, reveiws or whatever to put backing behind everything you do. Then after you do what's right and best for you. Justify it.


Have patients. It takes a lot to overclock.


Know your hardware. Its crucial to understand how and what you have and be happy with your system.

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