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Questions on OC'n a 2500k


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Alright my friend just built a new system with a 2500k and a gigabyte P67 board he is running 8 gigs of gskill ddr 1600 ram 9-9-9-24.


I am wondering what is a average OC I can expect to get out of the 2500k when it has the stock cooler?


I am trying to convince him to get the Coolermaster 212+ cooler because its at a pretty nice price right now. Average OC if we add one of those? Any other coolers at similar prices that would be a better choice?


This system will be mostly for gaming but he doesn't do any bench marking or anything like that so I just need to get it stable for him.


I know I need to keep the temps under 72 and I should try and keep the core under 1.35v is there any other settings in the motherboard I need to adjust to get better performance.

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First of all, your friend won't get any overclocking done with a stock cooler. The CPU will most likely not overclock at all, and even if it does, it will get way too hot and die at some point. Aftermarket cooling is a must for overclocking.


I'm not sure what price you're looking at for that cooler but I suggest you check out some reviews and see if it's all that good because I'm personally not a big fan of coolermaster and consider their coolers kind of weak compared to other ones on the market that are good coolers for the price. If you give some indication as to how much money your friend is willing to spend for cooling, you might get some nice suggestions.


As for your expectations towards the overclock, all CPUs are different so you can't 'expect' anything. You just have to overclock and at some point you'll hit the max and that will be that. It's all about how lucky you get with the chip. There are some advanced options that can be tweaked here and there to get some extra mhz but those shouldn't concern you until way later.

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Hmm alright well the price range is probably around 30-40 bucks. I havent done any overclocking in a long time and from back when I was doing some coolermaster was no good then either. But after reading around on the forums in looked like the CM Hyper 212+ was a really good cooler. But of course im open to suggestions to get best performance per dollar.

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I'm running my CPU at 4.7GHz, and it's very stable. That being said I've passed the recommended vcore. I'm running it at 1.375, if I remember correctly. Though I might be able to get it a little lower, if I put some time into it. I'm using an Arctic Cooling Freezer Extreme rev 2, and although it's not the best it keeps the temp under 60 when gaming. But if you say your friend is only gaming, then get a cooler like the CM hyper 212 and just use the BIOS overclocking tool. Think it got mine to 4.2, which is plenty for gaming and such.

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Wow much better OC then I was expecting on air is that pretty stable good for hours of gameplay? I am definitely going to have to tell him to buy that one.

Yup it was the easiest OC of my life, and the highest!

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Well I will try that out then when the new HS gets here I had him order it yesterday so it should be here early next week.


Any basic mobo settings you used that were not set by default?

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