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anyone here running a Fusion E350 100% passive..!??

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anyone here running a Fusion E350 100% passive..!??



wondering if it possible.. aka no case fans, maby whit a SSD or a 500 laptop silent hdd

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Almost all passive heatsinks require some amount of airflow. I don't I'd run any machine without at least one case fan to stir air up.

Edited by Waco

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If the case was finned and integrated with the heatsink I think just natural room currents may cool it, but I would be leery about running it with no airflow at all even if it is a ulv setup.

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If the case was finned and integrated with the heatsink I think just natural room currents may cool it, but I would be leery about running it with no airflow at all even if it is a ulv setup.

Yes, I concur.He will need some kind of air flow but look at the Sapphire Mini E350 I posted. The air cooler is tiny. He probably will be ok with it.(stock cooler)

Edited by Drdeath

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thanks guys,


well i want to be under 10Db for noise level,, i think i could throw it into a lian q07 and add a 120-140 intake or exhaust fan and run that in 5v , a slipstream or noiseblocker fan

the http://www.warungdigital.com/search/asus-e35-deluxe got a large passive heater


I have 1 more question,,,. :) will a ZOTAC iONITX-P-E mITX WiFi SU2300 ION be faster for browsing the web and casual stuff like that , or its a toss up, i currently have a acer One whit a Atom E270, i thinnk its that cpu, running xp and its killing me for browsing.. realy slow.'

ill either put on unbutu or win7 for the new setup.

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i dont know if a noise level of 10dB is achievable, a light breeze is like 7 or 8 i think.


also, id personally recommend ubuntu. my laptop is quite old, 6 or so years, and it is pretty fast for the web when i had ubuntu on it, but now that i popped in an old drive that had windows 7, its not nearly as fast.

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I reviewed the Gigabyte E350N and the Sapphire Mini350. They both browsed the internet fine. To tell you the truth, there was not much difference from my I7 930. If you have allot running in the background, sure it will effect performance. These APU's were not made to run high intensive programs but to handle everyday apps very nicely. Hardware installation was a bit slow but downloads and browsing was smooth. I have one from another manufacturer due early next week.

Edited by Drdeath

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I've recently caught the mini-ITX bug, and I'm very interested in more reviews. These little suckers seem perfect for an always on PC to have connected to a home server & act as a gateway to the HTPC. As well, why not let my Main Rig fold while I run steam on a Mini-ITX box and play less graphically intensive games or stream movies. I just stated the obvious to most of us.

Edited by HatersGonnaHate

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I have the Asus E-350 mATX version and its passive...NO case fans at all...55c loaded 38c browsing the web...


I did one in the system builds Thread with a case fan and it dropped temps 10c

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thanks again guys.


im closer to pulling the trigger on this, cant i get 10Db, whit 1 big fan on 5v !??

ill look the build up bowie,


Edit : reading your treads bowie did you sell the e350 boards and got the iONITX insted, hows that compared vs the 350

Edited by henrik

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