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New Cooler arriving soon

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I've ordered a CoolerMaster Hyper 212+ cooler, some MX-3 thermal paste and another 120mm fan that should all be arriving in a couple of days.

Any advice for installing it such as the correct application of thermal paste. I did a bit of poking around with Google and found this article that recommended using a double line method although one of the comments said to use 3 lines because the 212+ has 4 heat pipes.


Also, how should I go about removing the old stuff from my stock cooling. From what I can tell, isopropyl alcohol seems like the way to go.


Finally I would like to know how many applications I would get from 4 grams of thermal paste?

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Also, how should I go about removing the old stuff from my stock cooling. From what I can tell, isopropyl alcohol seems like the way to go.


By far the best/cheapest way to remove thermal paste :thumbsup:


You should be pretty happy with the CM Hyper 212+, it is a great cooler, and easy on the wallet as well ;) With heat pipe coolers the dbl line method is prob the best. Not sure about the 3 line with this cooler, as I am almost certain that I only used 2 lines when installing mine! I haven't ever had any temp probs on the Intel C2D I have it cooling! When it comes to 4 grams, that should get you quite a few applications, I know with the Shin Etsu I buy it is 0.5 grams, which is usually about 4 applications!

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1. Wipe it clean with a good cloth (that is not leaving any threads behind)

2. Put a (roughly) pea sised dot in the middle

3. Fasten it remove it and see so that it has spread evenly, otherwise add a little more on those spots

4. Repeat step 3 until satisfied

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