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building new gaming rig advice please!!!

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hey i'm just building a PC for my bro and need advice

here are the specs:


AMD athlon II X2 260


Gigabyte motherboard (purchased)


liteOn DVD sata drive


seagate 1TB HDD


Antec three hundred


OCZ Falaty 500w


windows 7 HP


gigabyte 5770 SOC


Thanks in advance


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Go with the Antec One Hundred over the Three Hundred, a little cheaper but nicer case. For only $10 you can get him the same clock speed an an extra core: AMD Athlon II X3 450 so I would consider that route, though personally I would get a Phenom II 840. However with the release of the Phenom II 980 today the price of the 955 which is at $140 right now could very well drop a bit further.

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Go with the Antec One Hundred over the Three Hundred, a little cheaper but nicer case. For only $10 you can get him the same clock speed an an extra core: AMD Athlon II X3 450 so I would consider that route, though personally I would get a Phenom II 840. However with the release of the Phenom II 980 today the price of the 955 which is at $140 right now could very well drop a bit further.



$10 is not worth the small size IMO.

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My experience with AMD is that if you`re using their processors, get the absolute best one you can afford, or you`ll end up regretting it in a month. The X2 260 is a nice processor, but for very little more you can get serious upgrades. If it`s outside your budget to upgrade though, that build looks solid.

+1 for ComputerEd`s comments.

And the 5770 is an excellent choice - I got my core over 1GHz easily, but temps were a little out of my comfort zone (thought only 85 celsius). I just replaced it last week with a GTX 580.

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LMAO at all the OCC member who want $17 AMD PII X4 955's :rofl:


But, seriously OP, the 955 would be completely worth the extra $$$! I would also check Ebay and your local CL, I have seen the 955's go for under $100 used :thumbsup: which is not much more than you are spending on that X2 Athlon ;)

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Guest drew209




I'll take one to lol ... would be nice!! Get a x3 for a few dollars more. x2 might be obsolete soon :(

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