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thoughts on this coolant


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what are your thoughts on this coolant? I don't like the thought of distilled water because if there is a leak and my components get damaged i would freak, and I am aware that distilled water is non-conductive but I figure over time as the water circulates through the loop it will pick up impurities and also if it was to leak in my system it could also mix with dust and other particles to become conductive, I also don't mind having to maintain the system if things do start to "gunk up", i'd rather do that and have the peace of mind, any thoughts would be appreciated

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This is ok stuff. But so damn $$$$ for the amount.


This over time is also going to get dust and impurities the same as water. The cooling effectiveness of this is not as good as water. l found a break down of the thermal efficiency of this and others but l cant find the link. Also l dont think you can filter this out to do maintenance so you would have to keep buying new every time which sucks.

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distilled water, simply, cheap and effective. also kinda off topic i think every day now someone has posted the same sort of question. this needs to be added to the water cooling FAQ if its not already in it.

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