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Anudder n00b


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Hello all.

I have been around since Pong and have built a few machines over the years but I have never learned how to

overclock a thing. I have recently built a new machine using an ASUS ROG Crossfire Formula mobo (and the reviews looked very promising before I bought

it so i went ahead). I put a Phenom II x4 970 BE along with 16 GB Patriot Ram and a good video card ( nvidea GTX 285) on board. I was told

that I can't do an SLI with nvidea cards only ATI cards will work on this board?? Any thoughts on that are welcome

My os is win 7 ult. 64 bit (on a 64 GB SSD with 2 x10k 160 GB raptors )so I am hoping I have lots of room and plenty to learn from you good folks on how to light this beast up. Oh I have a 700 watt TT

power supply which I am hoping will be good till I put a second video card in.

I look fwd to any help/advise I can get and meeting you all.


Edited by Bogsey

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you can run a single nvidia card for sure,


but your board says Crossfire Formula so it might be crossfire specific

to run 2 graphic cards you need a special chipset, so if your motherboard does not support SLI it can only run 1 nvidia card at a time

but since it says crossfire it can run dual ATI cards without a doubt

you need the exact motherboard model to be sure if it can run SLI but I am going to say no


you can overclock your computer easily right now, just go in the bios and find CPU ratio, and raise it one or two notches (so if it says 16, change it to 17)

after you go read about overclocking you can go back and tweak other settings as well


you need to install CPU-Z for sure right now

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you need to install CPU-Z for sure right now


Thanks for the warm welcome all.

I have never used CPU-Z potatochobit but its freeware and recommended here so I will get a copy. The other instructions sound easy enough.

I thought what I would do is run an MMO I am currently playing and see how it performs then start OCing in small steps and keep a carefull

record of each step with the same loads and game time and which component was OC'd . This should give me a real time map of the OCing experience

and results each time. I am very interested to see how features like the turbo unlocker works. I always thought you couldn't do this kind of thing

from within the os, it had to be from the bios.


I learned recently that a spark and smoke from the mobo isnot a good thing. Somehow all my drives were fried while completing this current

new build. My local tech (I go to from time to time for advise) said I had done nothing wrong but all but 1 of the drives was cooked :(.

I want to go nice and slow so as not to repeat that horror.

Thanks again guys

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