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Phenom ii, problems with temperatures

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Hi, I'm new to this website so please have patience


I recently built a new computer and decided to buy the Phenom ii x2. My problem is that since the first time I booted the computer the CPU temperatures have been really high (above 100oC). I have under-clocked the CPU to 2.1 from 3.2 GHz to bring the temperatures down but I've noticed a significant decrease in performance. Why has this happened? And also, are these temps normal for this CPU?




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welcome buddy :)


those aren't healthy temps. Resit your heatsink and thermal paste. Are you using the stock cooler?

The performance has dropped because you underclocked your cpu.



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well your decrease in performance is from the 1.1Ghz under clock and what Phenom II x2 are you using?

i would be making sure you have seated the cpu and cpu cooler right and do u have thermal paste on ? you might not have enough.

what are you using to check your temps?

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Hello Friends,


Well to check my temps a put a few drops of water on the heat sink and they just evaporated straight off so I'm assuming it was above 100oC. I'm using the Black Edition 555 Phenom ii. I've tried making sure the heat sink is on fine but I think that is not the problem. I don't know if this is a good idea or not but do you think attaching a fan to the heat sink would help keep the temps a little lower or should I just send the chip back?




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Your heatsink doesnt have a fan on it? Put one on, make sure the sink is on properly, I.E mounted right, paste is on, fan(s) are on and fans are plugged in.

Use this to monitor your temps mate.




EDIT: gramma

Edited by eisbar

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Hi, I'm new to this website so please have patience


I recently built a new computer and decided to buy the Phenom ii x2. My problem is that since the first time I booted the computer the CPU temperatures have been really high (above 100oC). I have under-clocked the CPU to 2.1 from 3.2 GHz to bring the temperatures down but I've noticed a significant decrease in performance. Why has this happened? And also, are these temps normal for this CPU?




Hi mate and welcome to OCC! :thumbsup: .


Those temps are definitely not normal for a Phenom II! The max temperature should be about 64 C!


The Central Processing Unit (CPU) clock speed has one of the largest impacts on the computers performance. What you are, in essence, doing by decreasing the clock speed, is slowing down the speed at which your CPU can receive, compute and send any data, meaning that it takes longer to do things which in turn means that your computer runs slower. As you can imagine increasing the clock speed will have the opposite affect; increasing the speed at which your processor can process information which in turn increases the computer's performance. However a higher clock speed means higher CPU temperatures as you probably have noticed.


Concerning your heat problem I have a few questions:


1) Did you place a heatsink onto your CPU?

2) How much thermal paste did you put on between the heatsink and CPU (if any)?

3) Have you put the heatsink on properly? By properly I mean it is tight on there.


High temps on the CPU are usually associated with bad cooling or improper placement of heatsinks, so I would put your CPU back on standard clock speeds and try to see what is going wrong with your CPU cooling :)

Edited by Alexandre

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@HydroFellow : Please dont double post threads, if the other one is an accident then change the first post to an "Oops , double post . Delete please" or something like that.

Now both your threads have been merged and unnecessary double posts have been deleted .


Back to topic : I see you put in your profile that you have unlocked your x2 . The stock heatsink will not be able to handle the added heat of two extra cores

What cooler are you using (Im assuming stock) ? Even though yours is unlocked , wont temp programs still show at least temps of the first two cores ?

I suggest you buy a cheap better cooler , one with a fan so that you can run at stock speed (underclocking should never be necessary).

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