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Got my Hyper212+, oc'd at 3.5 :D


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I just got my Coller Master Hyper212+, and after an extremely stressful install, in which I got it completely mounted, and had to take it all out (I forgot to use the rubber sticky pads on the back...metal straight on the mobo is NOT good...) I've gotten my cpu up to 3.48 ghz without increasing the voltage. Stock idle temps before the new cooler were hovering around 43-48, loads around 55. Stock idle with the 212+ was 26-32, and OC'd is around 35-40 :D I have yet to test it on load, anyone have any good suggestions for a load testing program?

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For normal use load, i find folding is quite good. I uses more reasources than you probably ever will(i am assuming) and it has bsod'ed an oc that was prime stable several times(go figure). I guess it is because prime is steady load and this fluctuates across ram and cpu.

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I installed prime95 and ran the torture test. Looks like I get up to between 65-70 degrees at load with these settings. I wonder if I should drop down my clocks a bit... Of course, that was only for about 5 minutes.

Edited by F13Bubba

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Temperature wise 100c is the limit but I don't know anyone who feels comfortable over 85c. Basically as hot as you want to go but I don't like seeing mine over 90c.


I had mine at 4.0Ghz for awhile but I couldn't get it stable. It would fold ok for a few days then shut down. Intel Burn Test put the temps in the 90+ area and I didn't like it.


You should be able to do 3.8Ghz with around 1.28v vcore. I set mine at an even 1.3 for stability.

Just be warned. Above 3.8Ghz there is a serious wall with these procs where they just they start putting out a tone of heat. Mine is 3.9Ghz.

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