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965BE past 4.1..... possible?

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Hi everyone,


I'v been reading all around about overclocking, learning a lot (especially about my own impatience;)

Trough a lengthy process of trial and error, in which i have already fried a PSU, Videocard and a MOBO, i found out the hard way that all the OC guides and stuff are just a way to help you with a very difficult, but even more addictive kind of elaborate puzzle :) and that there are boundaries....


I have build this system myself, a part I really enjoy, and i want to get the most out of it. I do not really need all this computing power. I play a game occasionally, and ofcourse i like it to run smoothly, but the main fun for me is pushing the limits.

Since it has cost me a 'few' bucks so far in replacing parts, i have become more careful, trying to learn even more about all the different variables.

Gathering information on the internet can be as clearifying as it can be confusing or even contradictive, so I turn to you guys. I tried to get some support and info at forums from my own country, but they basically declare me insane for pushing the limits. Limits which doesn't seem so far fetched when i read on this forum.


Since i just registred, and not yet looked at the undersign option, i'll put the specs about my system here for now:

I would be very thankful if you would give your comments on this...any comment! I won't be offended, but learning



CPU - Phenom2 x4 965 c3 @ 4.1Ghz (205x20)

CPU Cooling- Corsair H50 with 2 fans (PnP)

MOBO- Asus M4A79XTD Evo

RAM - Buffalo 1333@ 683 MHz - 9-9-24-33 1T

VGA- Asus GTX-460 @ 850 mhz

PSU- PCIcase CRS 750W Modulair

Case- NZXT Zero - 8x 120mm fans, 2x 80mm




Vcore 1.5375 in Bios, but seem to go to 1.574 when idle. Under load, it will drop as far as 1.50

Dram Volt 1.6

CPU/NB Voltage: On Auto, reading 1.3750@ 2460 Mhz

VDDA is set to 2.7




Temps vary due to ambient temps, but CPU max is at 52C max after 20 runs on intelburntest at std

Mobo stays between 26C and 30C




Now, for the big questions.......... (drumroll)................

You think this is the limit for this particular chip, or is there something obvious i am overlooking? I know for example that the NB/CPU limit is higher by about 100MHz,

And are these voltages/temps relatively safe? Would a simple reducing the 1t to 2t on ram make the whole system more stable with higher oc?

So far, when i try to lower the memory frequency, the system becomes unstable, even at a slight ov

And...how the heck does this ACC work? Is doesnt seem to do anything about stability, unless i have been using it wrong...


I am not looking for quick fixes or anything, just some more, specific info, to make some more sense between what i have read so far, and what I have experienced so far!

There are no more guides (that I found) that can make me wiser, so any input or critiscisme is welcome!


Or should I simply go back to 3.8 at stock voltages, which would make no other difference then a nagging voice in my head, saying: "Then why the *&^$ did you buy that more expensive mobo, if you give up now?!



-Last but not least, forgive me for any bad english.....it's not my native tongue- ;)


Thanks in advance for any comments!

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that chip likes low temps better than high volts, ive had mine at 4.4 ghz, but i took it out to the garage into sub zero temps during a snow storm, im betting if you got a better cooler, like a noctua d14, you can get past 4.1 no problem



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l could never get mine to 4.0 and be stable. but l think it was my ram acting up.


Totally get a better cooler to run over 4.1 as she will get warm running at that voltage

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Looks like that indeed..... probably the reason why it runs so good below stock voltages until 3.6...... increasing voltage will stabilize it a little at higher speeds, but beyond 4.1 the voltage requirments gets insane (hence the fried mobo)

Just amazed that aircooling can beat watercooling,,,,, if i had known that, i'd never botherd to get the H50

Will the Noctua give me lower temps??


And to try and analyze your theory and my findings with diffent voltages and temps thusfar , this chip seems at it's best when it is at 46 max......perhaps anyone can confirm or disagree ?

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Looks like that indeed..... probably the reason why it runs so good below stock voltages until 3.6...... increasing voltage will stabilize it a little at higher speeds, but beyond 4.1 the voltage requirments gets insane (hence the fried mobo)

Just amazed that aircooling can beat watercooling,,,,, if i had known that, i'd never botherd to get the H50

Will the Noctua give me lower temps??


And to try and analyze your theory and my findings with diffent voltages and temps thusfar , this chip seems at it's best when it is at 46 max......perhaps anyone can confirm or disagree ?



i think its safe to say that the noctua d14 is the best cooling solution out there short of full blown water cooling or the other extreme measures of cooling, correct me if im wrong, but the d14 should out perform the h50 easily


heres a great deal on a d14

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First of all ppl....thank you so much!

I was a little aprehensive about 'going abroad' with my issues.... did not know if it would be ehmmm.... appreciated so to say....


I got more feedback on this forum in one hour then i ever got here in the Netherlands in weeks!

You have been great so far :)


I will definitly go for the noctua d14, as soon as is figure out if it will not interfere with the NZXT Zero case.....


Not much needed to jam any of the 4 sidepanel fans :(

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I have a 965BE running 4.2 24/7 @ 1.5v on an old m4a78 pro (780g/ddr2), max temps with my H70 are 55c in a warm 26c room. To keep the rig info short heres the validation: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1692287. Its been as high as 4.6+ on this cooler.


I have a feeling you've just reached your particular chips limit and it may not be worth it to buy a better cooler, but i understand the compulsion.

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ur voltage drops as u put load on it??? either it has a . mobo power reg.. or ur psu sucks .. mine doesnt drop at all.. regardless of load..


and if u feel like being cheap.. get a hiper 212+.. that cooler gets more praise for its price vs performance than any other cooler ive seen

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I have a 965BE running 4.2 24/7 @ 1.5v on an old m4a78 pro (780g/ddr2), max temps with my H70 are 55c in a warm 26c room. To keep the rig info short heres the validation: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1692287. Its been as high as 4.6+ on this cooler.


I have a feeling you've just reached your particular chips limit and it may not be worth it to buy a better cooler, but i understand the compulsion.


Could very well be, as i have come little further then when I started with simple aircooling, mobo and case. Could get it up to 3.9 stable, but I didn't like the temp then, which would reach around 57.

So that makes me wonder if better cooling would really make a lot of difference.... and you are definitly right about the compulsion....;)

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