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fans for MCR220 Radiator


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I'm going to be donating my 4x yate loon fans to my friend's rig (He has a ton of spaces for fans, but he has only 1 crappy fan) for his birthday, so I figured I'd get some decent fans for my radiator. Unfortunately, information on this is kind of scarce and the results aren't very consistent. From what I've gathered, the most often recommended fans for radiators are Scythe S-Flex, Yate Loons, and Panaflos. (Admittedly, my search came up with some dated info)


I was hoping the WC crowd in our favorite forum could give me a better idea ;)


I was thinking something that's moderately quiet (Maybe slightly quieter than my yate loons, which are like 30 dBA?) I was looking at the Xigmatek CLF-F1251, based on affordability, attractiveness, and cfm vs. noise. That said, I know cfm isn't everything for radiator fans, but I can't really find much information on their pressure :(


I have about a month to decide. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Noctua NF-P12's? I use them for just about everyhing. You'll want to use 7v (1100 RPM's) to give you better dissipation, and still be relatively silent, but I prefer 5v's (900 RPM's).

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Noctua NF-P12's? I use them for just about everyhing. You'll want to use 7v (1100 RPM's) to give you better dissipation, and still be relatively silent, but I prefer 5v's (900 RPM's).

I would, but I'm trying to keep it below $10-13/fan. Also, since it'll be outside my computer, I don't like the colors of.. ANY Noctua's. Don't understand why they can't make them more appealing to the eyes.

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I would, but I'm trying to keep it below $10-13/fan. Also, since it'll be outside my computer, I don't like the colors of.. ANY Noctua's. Don't understand why they can't make them more appealing to the eyes.

Lol, yeah, I have to do a paint job, even my gf doesn't like the colors.

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i have two gtx 480 radiators and have a push pull with scythe ultra kaze fans 16 all together. i have to say with those fans i can overclock my 2 580 gpus with one and my cpu with the other to no mans end. but then again i really dont care about how much noise they put out.

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i have two gtx 480 radiators and have a push pull with scythe ultra kaze fans 16 all together. i have to say with those fans i can overclock my 2 580 gpus with one and my cpu with the other to no mans end. but then again i really dont care about how much noise they put out.

Yeah, I don't like the noise since I sleep in the same room as my computer (It's on 24/7. Folding.)



I like those aerocool fans a lot. I'm going to do a little bit more research, but I really like the sound of those.

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Isk - beyond a doubt (and if you have the space and no need for fancy lights) these are the best there are for the Swiftech 220 Rads and you can't beat the price;



I've got the blue LED version of that. I keep coming back to YL's or Noiseblockers. I've read about the Aerocools being mediocre for radiators.


I just don't know! :wacko:

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I was thinking something that's moderately quiet (Maybe slightly quieter than my yate loons, which are like 30 dBA?) I was looking at the Xigmatek CLF-F1251, based on affordability, attractiveness, and cfm vs. noise. That said, I know cfm isn't everything for radiator fans, but I can't really find much information on their pressure :(


I have about a month to decide. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


The Xigmatek fans I have used are really annoying at full speed. They aren't loud but they have a very annoying drone to them. Not high pitched, right in the middle of the hearing range. However when slowed down they sound fairly pleasant.

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