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XP Re-installation CD w/ New Hardware


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I have an old Dell Dimension 2400 which I'm in the process of upgrading with the following:


Motherboard: MSI H55-GD65


CPU: Intel i-3-550


RAM: Patriot DDR3 'Sector 5' 1600Mhz


PSU: OCZ Fatal1ty 550W


Optical Drive: ASUS Black DVD drive.


GPU: When funds are available


HDD: I'm going to use my Dell Dimension's 2400 IDE drive (36Gb) until I get a WD Caviar Black 500GB, it's next on my list.


OS: Here's the current problem, explained below.



What I was originally planning was using the XP Prof. CD, included with the Dell Dimension 2400, to install XP and then upgrade to Windows 7 when some additional money came along. I recently looked at my re-installation CD and noticed it had, "to be used with Dell Computer's ONLY" printed on the top. I then researched this and found out that the re-installation CD only works with the motherboard it was issued with; it's possible there's not even the full version of XP on the CD, just the necessities in-case you need to re-install. Now I've re-installed before, completely reformatted the drive and re-installed, so wouldn't that be a sign that as long as I can get it to install with the new motherboard it SHOULD install a STABLE version of Service pack 1a (which I'll then upgrade to Service Pack 3) XP. Here's something I read about hex-editing the re-installation CD, (LINK) it's the very last comment that explains the process. Unless getting a new OS is the only option, I'd like to know if there's away to make this re-installation CD work. Any idea's? And for the record, I'm only 16, which is why I have such a lack of funds at the moment; so work with me, thanks. :)

Edited by xxmastermushxx

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You can install the Dell XP OK, but it won't validate. It's the full version, the XP key # is the problem. I don't see any legal way around that. You could try calling Microsoft when the validation fails and say that you replaced the motherboard, sort of a white lie but it might work.

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You can install the Dell XP OK, but it won't validate. It's the full version, the XP key # is the problem. I don't see any legal way around that. You could try calling Microsoft when the validation fails and say that you replaced the motherboard, sort of a white lie but it might work.


Microsoft deems replacing the motherboard as a new computer; therefore, the license for the CD isn't transfered. If I called them I assume they'd just tell me that I have to get a new version of Windows; I guess it's worth a try, but still...confused.gif


If I could find the product key number for the version of XP, could I install it? Or do you mean something else?

Edited by xxmastermushxx

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I have replaced motherboards and gotten verified pretty easily with the MS automated phone system, but it was Dell to Dell, so that's all I know.


The product key won't help, I believe it will be a Dell specific number.

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I have replaced motherboards and gotten verified pretty easily with the MS automated phone system, but it was Dell to Dell, so that's all I know.


The product key won't help, I believe it will be a Dell specific number.

I have done this with a non-OEM computer. I'm not sure of the legal issues with it, but I had the physical install media in front of me so I was in the clear. My problem was it wouldn't take my CD-key, but I called MS through the automated phone system and they assigned me a new license key no questions asked.

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DISCLAIMER:I have no idea whether this would work but you could try it.


1. Backup your hdd so as to minimize data loss possibility.

2. Put your build together minus the old hdd.

3. On the old pc, tell it to system restore.

4. Imediately it powers down to restart before begining the process yank the power plug.

5. Now hook the hdd up to the new system and power it on.

6. If your lucky(remember idk whether this would work) it will continue the restore process to your new mobo.


Do tell if it works.


If you dont want to try that, I seem to remember there is a way to burn a re-installation disk from xp but im not sure. I jumped from 98 to OSX and then the Windows 7.

Hope that helps. :cheers:

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SpeedCrazy, that seems awfully aggressive. :lol: I think I'll leave that as a final resort, lol. Though I might just try it, since I see what you're getting at.


So when I get my new components, what would you guys recommend I do? Should I reformat the drive and attempt to reinstall, then when it fails to validate see if I can validate it through MS?

Since I'm upgrading everything else, I can always re-install XP back on to the IDE HDD since I'll still have the Dell Dimension 2400's parts to do it. Could I get away with running the new computer after it installs on the old components? Or would it be really unstable?

Edited by xxmastermushxx

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SpeedCrazy, that seems awfully aggressive. :lol: I think I'll leave that as a final resort, lol. Though I might just try it, since I see what you're getting at.

I can't believe that would work, it doesn't address the issue, which is BIOS.


So when I get my new components, what would you guys recommend I do? Should I reformat the drive and attempt to reinstall, then when it fails to validate see if I can validate it through MS?



Since I'm upgrading everything else, I can always re-install XP back on to the IDE HDD since I'll still have the Dell Dimension 2400's parts to do it. Could I get away with running the new computer after it installs on the old components? Or would it be really unstable?

I doubt that any of your new components are anywhere near compatible with the old Dell stuff.

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Just curious, when you say "validate" do you me so I can have access to Windows Updates to get the newest SP's and Drivers AFTER the install? Or is it something during the install? Also, how am I going to get around the bios checker? From what I've read the CD will only run with its issued bios.


Edit: I'm just confused, I've been researching and some people say it works others say it doesn't. One guy said it was easy, he popped it in, installed it, and when it was time to validate he called up MS and said his MOBO died, which was true, and they gave him a new code. I guess if this really works I can just tell MS that my computer is on the verge of failure, which is partially true, and see what they say. Hopefully it will work out one way or another.

Edited by xxmastermushxx

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I am pretty sure that is illegal :no:


And I don't deny it, I'd rather not attempt it to tell you the truth.

Ok, I'll see what you all have to say tomorrow...well, technically today. Bed time. sleep2.gif


Edit: One last thing, this LINK was pretty interesting, especially the last comment.

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Just curious, when you say "validate" do you me so I can have access to Windows Updates to get the newest SP's and Drivers AFTER the install?

Whether you get it to re-install or not you are not going to get service packs. Microsoft has discontinued support for XP.

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