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Google 2-Step Verification



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On second thought, I'm going to pass. I have 6 Gmails that I check on using a Firefox app that signs into all every time FF launches, in practical terms that would trigger over 200 calls a day. :wacko:

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On second thought, I'm going to pass. I have 6 Gmails that I check on using a Firefox app that signs into all every time FF launches, in practical terms that would trigger over 200 calls a day. :wacko:


For external applications that access accounts, you can setup application specific passwords (as external apps won't support the 2-step process). Without doing that for your firefox app for example, the sign in would simply stop working. Once you set it up it would continue to work as before.


At any rate, I have only setup 2-step verification for my main account (I also have multiple accounts).

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I thank you for your scathing comeback.



I understand this. I was not surprised. I am just saying that i dislike the system, if you work with a small company they respect their customers because they need you to survive, if you work with big companies they could care less, you can do nothing to them if they disrespect you and or sell your info.

So I take it you buy your car & computer from "small companies" too? And buy only products from small companies that "care" about there customers? Good luck.

Seriously? Sure they pay people to develop it, but if they got nothing back from this feature you think they would bother? With an app on your phone they can track the things you do the sites you vist and use that with their advertising services to try and make money off of you. And every FREE has a FEE in it. Tanstaafl. As you said THEY DONT CARE about you. You are a worm to make money off of or squash as they choose.


Do you google search? If so, they already track you & your browsing habbits.



I said multiple passwords! I agree that that is still breakable but so is this. As for the key logger, if one gets you that is YOUR fault, not googles (or whoever) you should have firewalls and anti-spyware/virus/malware in place.

This makes no sense. The hypothetical senario is that your account is going to get hacked, how is saying "its your fault you got a key logger" any better than saying "its your fault you didnt sign up to a FREE better security system?"


Google doesn't care what my phone number is but they can still sell it, lots of money is made off of telemarketing. Also your phone number can be used to find out a lot of info about you. Name, address, and i bet communications networks are alot more hackable than google, so someone gets your phone number, your provider, they bypass security or some places will sell this info, and look you up, they then have credit card, social security, address, bills all this info.


There is jack all money to be made in telemarketing. Also, why would they care to find out anything about you? Even if they did, there are MANY MANY other places they can find stuff out about you, like the phone book.

Those places dont have a prerogative to sell my info. Plus if you havent gone to uni and all your work is basically your own business that rules out 2 of your 'easily hackable' places. Dont you think places like that would get into some trouble if they were hacked through negligence? And if you think a government would be easier to hack than google you must live in some third world place.


Nobody said anything about selling your information. We said hacking.


Seriously though, you have a VERY skewed view of the world. Here is a company offering you better on-line security, and you suspect that they are going to sell your phone number? What is wrong with you boy? You honestly think google would think up this whole "scam" just to get an app on your phone and a hold of your number? Come of it. Your number is worth nothing to them. Telemarketing is dead. Besides, if anything got out that google was selling your personnel info, they may as well close shop.


For someboby that is so skeptical about giving out his information, you seem awfully ready to contribute to on-line discussions. Have you any idea how much information can be found out about you just from the details you have put on this site? If I scour all your posts im fairly sure I can build a decent picture of you.

Possibly even link to other sites and find more there.

This is all even without going near your IP address.

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Do you google search? If so, they already track you & your browsing habbits.

Dude, i have soo many blocker add on it should be quite hard. But were blowing this out of proprtion. I am entitled to my opinion no matter how skewed you believe it is. And you are entitled to yours. I admit that my ideals dont always work out in real life but i try.

Btw, on this point,

Nobody said anything about selling your information. We said hacking.

Why would they hack to get my info if they weren't going to get anything out of it?


Thank you for your intellectually stimulating argument. :cheers:

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