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Any Gran Turismo Fans?


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I know this is a pc forum but most guys have both a pc and a console. Anyone here into Gran Turismo 5? It'd be cool to race with some OCC guys, since GT5 online is well interesting to say the least. If anyone feels like racing some let me know


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I loved the series - GT through GT4 - but after playing Forza 2 I don't think I can return to GT. It's just that good...and polished...and [insert one of many reasons why Forza 2 is better than GT5]. Being out 2 years ahead helps quite a bit. :P

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I loved the series - GT through GT4 - but after playing Forza 2 I don't think I can return to GT. It's just that good...and polished...and [insert one of many reasons why Forza 2 is better than GT5]. Being out 2 years ahead helps quite a bit. :P

I want to play Forza after seeing this


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Yeah this game is awesome!

My brother got the special edition version of this game which came with a book called Apex.

This is one of the most amazing books I have ever read about the physics of cars and racing. It went into so much detail of how to use each part of the car for racing that I couldn't put the book down! (I'm studying to be an engineer. I like details ;))


After reading through that book I felt like a new man lol

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One thing I miss (that I talk about in every GT thread) from Gran Turismo is the race versions of the cars.


There was nothing better than fully modifying a car and then saving up the money after that to buy the racing modifications.


This is what I was talking about from GT2 by the way:



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