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I think my gt240 just died

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Hey guys well as I speak my monitor has little green artifacts going all over it. i was running f@h while surfin the web and all of the sudden these little green lines appeared everywhere. My gpu is runnin stock clocks and is idling at 26 degrees C. Any advice on what just went wrong or should I give xfx's lifetime warranty a shot? Oh yea and I restarted it and it didn't help anything

Edited by usaweapon777

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Dude if you think it's boned send it in. XFX will send you a new card. I practically cooked my first 9600GT folding when the fan got accidentally turned off in Ntune. Who knows, they might be out of 240's and set you up with a 9600GT, 9600GSO or some variant of the 8800/9800/4XX series cards. It happens with older cards with warenties sometimes. Not to me though, I got another 9600GT

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well idk what in the world happened. I reinstalled the drivers and still a no go. Leave the computer on overnight.(It runs my internet through ICS) and I get up and the card is working fine. Run F@h for a couple days and still no issues. I have no idea.

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well idk what in the world happened. I reinstalled the drivers and still a no go. Leave the computer on overnight.(It runs my internet through ICS) and I get up and the card is working fine. Run F@h for a couple days and still no issues. I have no idea.

Well it seems to be dieing. If you send it in like that I am not sure if XFX would replace it if they test it and it works and that could very well happen.

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Could be your psu flaking out.I run ATI tray tools to reduce the core voltage,mem and core clocks and i get a side effect where i get little red lines flashing on and off round the screen.Are you running a similar program?

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Nope not running any other software except the basic nvidia stuff and the cards been at stock clocks. It seems fine now so I'll just run with it and if it nukes itself then I'll worry about sending it back again. I don't believe its the psu because I just built a new rig and reused the psu and everything still works fine with everything under load.

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