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Don't know y my SSD in raid0 is slower then no raid at all.


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Did you allow Windows 7 to align and format the drives or did you use a third party tool?


Have you done a secure erase on both drives and started completely from scratch?


What stripe size did you choose when setting up your array?


And all indications are that you should avoid the Marvell controller when attempting RAID0 with SSD drives, use the Intel ICH10R instead.

Edited by wevsspot

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Did you allow Windows 7 to align and format the drives or did you use a third party tool?


Have you done a secure erase on both drives and started completely from scratch?


What stripe size did you choose when setting up your array?


And all indications are that you should avoid the Marvell controller when attempting RAID0 with SSD drives, use the Intel ICH10R instead.

Nothing in windows, I set everything up in bios and then I installed windows and when setting up the raid in bios it only gave me two options for stripe size 36? I think and 64 for sure so I tried both with a clean install from scratch and both gave me the same bench mark of 250mb/s

Edited by OnlyHope

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I'm pretty sure raid always reduces SSD performance

putting a bunch of little drives in raid 0 is not the best option


I'm pretty positive you're wrong. Horrible advice.



Onlyhope - to be sure the raid was set up correctly to begin with, when you look at c: properties, are you seeing ~128gb of space?

Edited by Fight Game

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I saw a 70% increase when adding another SSD for RAID0 on my ICH10R controller.


I'm pretty positive you're wrong. Horrible advice.



Onlyhope - to be sure the raid was set up correctly to begin with, when you look at c: properties, are you seeing ~128gb of space?

Yes that statement is blatantly false. He just failed the Turing Test.

Edited by krazypoloc

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I'm pretty positive you're wrong. Horrible advice.



Onlyhope - to be sure the raid was set up correctly to begin with, when you look at c: properties, are you seeing ~128gb of space?

Yeah 128gb

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Hey. I have two SSD's. I have done over 40 Windows installs on one or both since Dec.23, 2010 and have come to the following conclusions. Benchmarks mean nothing. CrystalDiskMark gives me virtually the same results for the 4K test done at 1000MB and 4000MB test size for a single SSD and two SSD's in RAID 0. Unfortunately, Windows behaves much differently than a stupid benchmark utility. CDM reports around 320 MB/s for seq read speed for two and 210 MB/s for one but sequential speeds are meaningless unless you are moving large (1GB or more) files around. Instead, take a look at the 4K speeds - they are what counts when it comes to Windows and how it behaves. With just one SSD my system boots in just over 9 seconds. With two SSD's it boots in just over 22 seconds. That's around 2.5 times faster using a single disk. So I'm taking my second drive and using it for my games installations. Anyone who thinks RAID 0 is actually faster should take a stopwatch and measure the difference. But I'm willing to bet that most of these people are theorists who are too stubborn to admit that RAID is actually slower and so will settle for slower access times rather than putting solid evidence into practice.

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one time, i tied my shoe laces together on each shoe and I got a 70% boost to my run speed!

all the kids around the track were like, "Dang, G!"


if you could buy three cheapo 40 gb drives and raid them to get faster than stock speeds who in their right mind would spend more money for a 120gb or higher drive?

it doesnt matter to me, though. little kids in this thread can believe anything they like.


there is one caveat, though. PCIE SSDs are different. some people have been giving people false hopes by saying they can get boost speeds using raid when in fact they are taking about PCIE memory expansions. the problem is most people are just entering the market and, of course, use SATA2. they are completely different beasts.


alot of things factor your OS bootup time as well like motherboard, etc.

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