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Corsair A70 Heatsink


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So after about a year of having this computer I decided I was going to OC the thing. This past weekend I bought a Corsair A70 Heatsink. This thing is HUGE and bearly fit in my case, and took forever to install because the fan ended up being super close to my PSU. So that being said here is my question.


Is it normal for a better heatsink to only effect the temp when under load? I noticed that the ambient/not under load temp doesn't seem to be much different than it was with the stock cooler on my X3 720be. The Load temp is 20 degrees cooler, went from 60s to 40s so that is good.


Also I notice that the thermo past didn't seem to spread very well on the heatpipes when I installed the heatsink. I am assuming that it is ok since the CPU temps are going off the charts but I again I don't want to brake anything so I am asking all of you for your opinion.


Thanks again for all the great help you always provide.


PS: I have had Prime running for several hours, over 7, and it hasn't gone above 46C so I think it is cooling well.

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that is really nice temps. what speed are you at?

also have you tried to unlock the last core?


waht is your idle temp if you are worried? anything uless than 5-10C over ambient will require really strong cooling...

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I do have the 4th core unlocked and I am at 3.2 GHZ I am working on trying to go higher. I want to say idle temp is low 30s. I forget what they were before I got the ew heatsink but I deffinatly know my Load temp is acurate before and after.


I just stopped Prime after 5 hours and in about 2 minutes it is down to 31C. So if you say that is good then awesome.


On that note other question. I am planing on upgrading to a X6be in febuary, should my temps stay the same or should I expect them to get higher because the chip is "bigger"


**Now the temp is staying at 29c idle**

Edited by acpowell

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1st of all AC, welcome to OCC :biggrin:


Next lets clear up some PC terminology - When it comes to your cpu/gpu you have idle and load temps. In your original post you refered to your idle cpu temps as your "ambient" temps, when actually the term "ambient" is used to refer to the temp in the room your PC is in. That way when you are talking about your idle or load temps on your cpu, when you give us (the OCC community) your ambient room temps, we will be able to better help out with questions about your cpu temps ;)


You should always be much more concerned about your load temps than idle! Although you say you haven't seen a huge drop in idle temps, when you install a new cooler and see your load temps drop by 20C, then you should start jumping up and down in celebration :thumbsup: Also, if your load temps are that low, I wouldn't be too concerned about the thermal paste. Usually if your thermal paste isn't good, or the contact on the cpu from you cooler, you will know immediately that something is wrong with high cpu temps. Sounds like everyhting is good, and you just gained some OC headroom with the drop in temps!

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1st of all AC, welcome to OCC :biggrin:


Next lets clear up some PC terminology - When it comes to your cpu/gpu you have idle and load temps. In your original post you refered to your idle cpu temps as your "ambient" temps, when actually the term "ambient" is used to refer to the temp in the room your PC is in. That way when you are talking about your idle or load temps on your cpu, when you give us (the OCC community) your ambient room temps, we will be able to better help out with questions about your cpu temps ;)


You should always be much more concerned about your load temps than idle! Although you say you haven't seen a huge drop in idle temps, when you install a new cooler and see your load temps drop by 20C, then you should start jumping up and down in celebration :thumbsup: Also, if your load temps are that low, I wouldn't be too concerned about the thermal paste. Usually if your thermal paste isn't good, or the contact on the cpu from you cooler, you will know immediately that something is wrong with high cpu temps. Sounds like everyhting is good, and you just gained some OC headroom with the drop in temps!



In my head I am saying the right words, sorry... Sometimes my brain doesn't inform my hands that they are typing the wrong things. It just assumes they can hear the voice in my head also. (working with high school kids all day doesn't help my mental stability either, no offence if you are one :D )


So now I just need to get more help in my other thread I started on OCing this thing. Although I hear 3.2 is a common speed for my X3 720be. Oh wells. With luck I can tweak the heck out of the new CPU I get in febuary.


Oh and thanks for the welcome.

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