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GTX 570 and i7 very low frame rates .. plz help


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ok. .. one lame question again.. can i dual channel 4 and 2gb of same timings...?


Umm... im pretty sure they need to be the same size, Could be wrong though. I do know that if it does work. You will end up with 4gb of dual channel memory and 2gb of single, as you can only dual channel as much as the other chip can, giving you that extra head room over the 4gb chip. I have no idea if this will work or not. Im pretty sure it will depend on your MoBo... do alittle google searchin i guess.


Id still highly recommend just getting another 4gb chip... If you have to wait 2 weeks to get paid again or whatever, then wait 2 weeks. No reason to sell off what you got and wait around with no RAM at all.

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I have a GTX570 and i7920 both at stock everything. I play bad company 2 at 1920x1080 but everything on low. full res low gfx. I have 12GB of ram. I also get low fps like 30 - 40 sometimes lower. Like when im near explosions or water or anything that stresses the gfx card the fps just drops. Idk if mine has a bottleneck or if its my ram. But its starting to annoy me alot.

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I have a GTX570 and i7920 both at stock everything. I play bad company 2 at 1920x1080 but everything on low. full res low gfx. I have 12GB of ram. I also get low fps like 30 - 40 sometimes lower. Like when im near explosions or water or anything that stresses the gfx card the fps just drops. Idk if mine has a bottleneck or if its my ram. But its starting to annoy me alot.



hey what are your fps in furmark at 640x480 with no msaa.

i get max 441.and average 237

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I have a GTX570 and i7920 both at stock everything. I play bad company 2 at 1920x1080 but everything on low. full res low gfx. I have 12GB of ram. I also get low fps like 30 - 40 sometimes lower. Like when im near explosions or water or anything that stresses the gfx card the fps just drops. Idk if mine has a bottleneck or if its my ram. But its starting to annoy me alot.


honestly, try raising the settings to the max... lower graphics details end up putting more of the load on the CPU than GPU.


In the nvidia control panel. turn its settings to best performance and try that. then also try it at best quality. I think you'll find some interesting results...



Despite the fact that my i7-930 is OC'd 24/7 @ 3.6, if my HD 5770 can play BC2 on ultra settings with 40+ fps even in the tough scenes full of explosions and stuff. Then there is no way your GTX570 cant. You just need to fiddle with your settings.

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u should be able to without any problems... but its better if u sell it and get 3 sticks of 2gb each.. if u can ofcourse.. if not.. wait till u can afford another 4gb stick


and for bennymx.. something isnt right there.. ive got my rig @ 2.8ghz (. ram doesnt let me oc anymore) and i play on the highest settings the game as and it doesnt drop at all.. not even a lil bit when theres massive explosions n ... u should have no problems with it

Edited by mattyamdfanboi

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Here's another GTX570 user with problem. I have 2-way SLI system and get max 158 fps in Black Ops. Both cards are tested separately and they work fine... well fine and fine... With single card I get 65-110 fps. Old GTX 295 gave me steady 125 fps.


Btw here's the whole story... After mounting graphics cards and installing new drivers I notized that the internet connection didnt work. I tried almost everything but formatting hdd. Then I decided to leave this problem and begun to install new SSD. When I got computer started up with fresh Win7 the internet connection worked again. Dunno what happened earlier. Struggling with cards continued but havent find a solution so far. I tried from DirectX 9 to 11, no help. Updating bios, no help. Then I installed EVGA Precision and notized that the upper card was 69 C hot. That was idle temp. Lower card was 41 C. That was non SLI mode. When I set SLI mode on lower cards temp climbed up to 64 C and upper card up to 74 C. There's only 2-3 mm gap between the cards. I set the blowers scream to get em cooler. 4000 rpm lowers their heat to 54 C and 56 C on load.


i dunno is there something I havent tried yet. Maybe some1 knows. Just waiting the day I get this solved.

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I have a GTX570 and i7920 both at stock everything. I play bad company 2 at 1920x1080 but everything on low. full res low gfx. I have 12GB of ram. I also get low fps like 30 - 40 sometimes lower. Like when im near explosions or water or anything that stresses the gfx card the fps just drops. Idk if mine has a bottleneck or if its my ram. But its starting to annoy me alot.

I have a GTX 470 OC'd a little bit but my i7 930 is clocked to 4ghz and I have never seen choppy FPS in BFBC2 even on high everything (1920x1080). With explosions I would imagine your CPU is taking a hit from all the particles. You might try OC'ing your CPU some and see if that helps you.

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Here's another GTX570 user with problem. I have 2-way SLI system and get max 158 fps in Black Ops. Both cards are tested separately and they work fine... well fine and fine... With single card I get 65-110 fps. Old GTX 295 gave me steady 125 fps.


Btw here's the whole story... After mounting graphics cards and installing new drivers I notized that the internet connection didnt work. I tried almost everything but formatting hdd. Then I decided to leave this problem and begun to install new SSD. When I got computer started up with fresh Win7 the internet connection worked again. Dunno what happened earlier. Struggling with cards continued but havent find a solution so far. I tried from DirectX 9 to 11, no help. Updating bios, no help. Then I installed EVGA Precision and notized that the upper card was 69 C hot. That was idle temp. Lower card was 41 C. That was non SLI mode. When I set SLI mode on lower cards temp climbed up to 64 C and upper card up to 74 C. There's only 2-3 mm gap between the cards. I set the blowers scream to get em cooler. 4000 rpm lowers their heat to 54 C and 56 C on load.


i dunno is there something I havent tried yet. Maybe some1 knows. Just waiting the day I get this solved.


I guess with your old problem was that you needed to use a driver cleaner to remove all traces of your old drivers, And do a fresh install of the drivers, first time ive heard of a new video card killing a network connection. But ive had new video cards corrupt sound drivers... As to your new problem of Temps, Well only thing i can offer on that one is, install another case fan to blow cool air from the outside of your case directly at your 570's.


Question... did you ever install the chipset drivers after your fresh install on that SSD? If you didnt install the x58 chipset drivers that could explain alot. Including the temps.

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I should be able to get a new video card sometime in the near future. Thanks for the suggestion though. I might look into xfire 5770, cheap and effective possibly. Your not the first person that says its pretty darn good actually.

I ran two of the Sapphire VaporX HD5770s in crossfire for several months. They were awesome. Great performance per dollar.

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I guess with your old problem was that you needed to use a driver cleaner to remove all traces of your old drivers, And do a fresh install of the drivers, first time ive heard of a new video card killing a network connection. But ive had new video cards corrupt sound drivers... As to your new problem of Temps, Well only thing i can offer on that one is, install another case fan to blow cool air from the outside of your case directly at your 570's.


Question... did you ever install the chipset drivers after your fresh install on that SSD? If you didnt install the x58 chipset drivers that could explain alot. Including the temps.



I think there should not be any traces of drivers when mounting new drive. And yes I installed X58 Intel Chipset (V.


Yeh that Internet connection issue was quite strange. I went to bios and disabled first marvell#2 and made test, then disabled #1 and test again. Then they were both enabled and then finally when I again disabled #1 suddenly #2 started to working:)


I have now three 220 mm fans (leftt side, top and front wall), two 120 mm fans (bottom and back wall), processor cooler has two 120 mm fans. hmmm is there room for another fan:D I have to sort it out how to make that 2-3 mm gap bigger:)


Btw do I need any other chipset drivers such as which is RST stuff? I dont have RAID. And btw what does mean 23xCSAA? Some guy in some other forum suggested me to set it on. Didnt explain me how.

Edited by SgtSpock

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Well i had a GTX260 before and it ran fine. Since the latest patch came out for bc2 its run crap. I got a new gfx card cause i was upgrading anyway. But it still does the same thing. maybe i need to get water cooling overclock my i7 to 4ghz. Im lost.

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