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Project: Ultimate Ultra Super Awesome Overclocked Computer Desk - 2 In


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I actually rather like number 4 in the second to last pick. Though if i know what your talking about with a cherry/mahogany look that will look even better.

I've got to say, there are a number of samples that I made that I quite like. The grain highlighting on a few of the pieces is really quite spectacular. You'll see below what I was ultimately going for, however. Quite different. I will miss the grain highlight, but I absolutely love the colour of the new stuff.


minwax is amazing, i used it on my floors, and a 5 years later, still looks great, very durable.


the minwax i used was more like a combo all in one stain plus clear/lacquer thing im not for sure, it was a while ago


As for the fire thing, the fire department happens to know my name, and yes my mother happens to love her new kitchen, lol

As for dan the gamer, i hope you have insurance on your house, lol

I really like the minwax stuff as well, unfortunately, I just wasn't able to find the right colour.


For those of you interested in seeing how the kittens are doing, I've been keeping a bit of a video log on them - ie. I have been taking quick video clips of them every few days, since day 0. You can check them out here:



Also, here is a bit of a sneak peak, as far as actual computer hardware is concerned - I've been slowly acquiring bits and pieces, since I'm still not entirely sure what will end up in this Ultimate Computer Desk.


Kingston has decided to sponsor me, and has sent me this really fantastic SSD drive. I am PSYCHED!






As you are all aware, my first 2 staining attempts were successful in the sense that I learned a lot, however, I was still not achieving the result I originally wanted.


I decided to try something other than the tried-and-true local Home Depot, and I hit up a custom furniture store - Randalls. Let me tell you - it was a truly great experience, and I will be returning there many more times in the future due to the incredible service I received there.


I walked in with my backpack full of my 2nd attempt samples, and immediately a salesperson started talking with me about what I was there for. I explained to her the stains I tried, along with the techniques, and she asked to see my samples.


I pointed out the ones I liked, and why, and why I didn't like them, and she came back in a few minutes with a couple stains that might interest me. She then asked if she could do some sample stains on the back of the pieces I brought in. She took the pieces behind the counter, sanded them down, stained them, and came back in a few minutes with actual, real - this is what they're going to look like - samples.


How cool is that? I could have just gone there in the first place and spent the whole extra 2 dollars, but would have walked out with 1 product - the right one - the first time. Amazing - I'm really happy I discovered that place.


I can't imagine Home Depot opening up any of their products for a test piece.. I've never asked though, so who knows. Randall's is my goto place for stains now, however!




Once again, I decided to see what variety of colours I could get with what I had on hand, so I setup 8 samples once more:


1. Old Masters

2. Wood Conditioner + Old Masters

3. Wood Conditioner + Minwax + Old Masters

4. Wood Conditioner + Old Masters + Minwax

5. Wood Conditioner + Old Masters x 2 Coats

6. Old Masters x 2 Coats

7. Wood Conditioner + Varathane + Old Masters

8. Wood Conditioner + Old Masters + Varathane




I worked on the samples for about a week (1 coat per day, did 5 or 6 coats of poly on top, light sanding between poly coats)




Here are a couple close up shots while staining was in progress






And a comparison with the previous samples, once everything was nicely glossed up




Look at the difference in colour! Now that's more what I was looking for. There's no question that the gel stain has "muted" the grain a little bit, however, the colour is unquestionably closer to what I was looking for originally.


Here is a shot of my previously favorite samples from the 2nd round, against the new samples




And a closeup of the 2 samples I think I like the best. The differences between this batch are quite subtle, as the Old Masters gel stain has a very strong dye which mutes out the effects of conditioner, or any other stain applied before or after.




Now that's what I call progress! I think I can call it quits for testing stain now. Time to move on to the dreaded motherboard tray / I/O Slot stuff...


Until next time!

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Looks sweet. So what combo was that?

Thanks SpeedCrazy, off the top of my head I'm not 100 percent sure about which combo that was, but I think the one closest to the camera is just straight up Old Masters Deep Red - 1 coat and then poly finish.



Just went through 7 pages of AWESOME.


Lookin good out there bro, you definitely have my support (not financially :P)

Thanks doopypeanut, love the username lol



Looks awesome still!


So Kingston decided to sponsor you because they saw your desk build or what? That's awesome! Congratz :cheers:

Thanks BluePanda! I actually went out and solicited Kingston - they took a look and they said it was an interesting project and they'd send me something ;)




Sorry about the lack of updates everyone, it's not that I haven't been working on the desk much, but it's more that I've been using the camera a lot (You know.. kittens) and I haven't had time to sit down and sort through all the photos, re-size, crop, etc for some real proper updates.


I've had this update sitting on the back burner for a little while now and I've been meaning to squeeze in it somewhere. I had been talking with some folks at Danger Den because I was looking at their motherboard trays and I/O panels, and they've decided to sponsor me!


Big thanks go out to Danger Den, as these are critical components required for a professional end result - you've all seen the mangled results of the cases I tore up earlier in the project.







Everything came very nicely packed - not much loose play, and plenty of foam to absorb any shipping issues.




I had these PSU support brackets custom made:




I sent them a higher resolution image of this, that I threw together in Sketchup:




Also included in this little shipment were some momentary switches for power and reset. (These are really popular these days, aren't they?)




And some real nifty motherboard trays:






All the acrylic is 1/2" clear - I will leave them wrapped up until the project is close to completion. With these parts -finally- settled, I can cut some holes in the cabinets and actually put them together -for real- !!


Stay tuned, I'll sit down this weekend and sort through the next round of updates ;)

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i don't really like the stain color because its very dark :( like a dungeon :( i like light colors to brighten up the room :)


so far ur project is excellent? ...so what are you going to do wc the desk or is it for the pc? same post as above

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i don't really like the stain color because its very dark :( like a dungeon :( i like light colors to brighten up the room :)


so far ur project is excellent? ...so what are you going to do wc the desk or is it for the pc? same post as above


im with him, i like the first set of samples :P


great work man, props to ya



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Cant wait to see the final result. Props for getting all those sponsorships. :thumbsup:

Interesting mobo trays.

Thanks SpeedCrazy!



How do you go about getting sponsored on something like this??

Hey Seventh_Sliver, it took a lot of work, but I looked up the companies I would like sponsorship from, and called them or e-mailed them until I could speak with someone in marketing or public relations, and took it from there!



i don't really like the stain color because its very dark :( like a dungeon :( i like light colors to brighten up the room :)


so far ur project is excellent? ...so what are you going to do wc the desk or is it for the pc? same post as above

Hey, thanks Dan The Gamer, the stain is pretty dark, but the rest of the room is very bright where it is going, so hopefully it'll still look good! The PC probably won't be watercooled, but you never know!



So excited for more pictures!!! OMG OMG lol. :D

Hehe, glad you're enjoying!



nice, cant wait for the next update

Thanks camaro_dude15!



im with him, i like the first set of samples :P


great work man, props to ya



Yup, next project I'll use those other stains! ;)



So - it's been sometime since I've posted an update - apologies, things have been very busy lately.


With the parts from Danger Den having arrived, I could now move on to some more specific details with both of the cabinets that will contain the computers.


Once again, I started with a test fitting, this time, it was a very accurate fitting, requiring quite a bit of sanding and fiddling around to get as close to the final product as possible.








I then placed some test parts for fitting, and traced some outlines on the wood. The motherboard tray was placed on some thin strips of packing foam that I cut up, to help isolate any vibration from the CPU Heatsink.






Installed some new blades on the jigsaw, put my biggest drill bit in the drill, and went to town!






Part 2 coming right up!

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