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cooler for AMD 6850

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Hey guys.. I just bought a XFX 6850, and i am very happy with the preformance. But im def. NOT happy with the noise from XFX cooler. It's loud, and i srsly doubt if it does much work..


So im looking for a new cooler, while i search and wait. I use my old good gfx card.. I have look at 2 coolers but im not sure if they would fit, some say yes, some no..


It's Accelero XTREME Plus and Zalman VF3000A VGA coolers..


So will one of them fit?..


PS: Would be great if the Accelero could fit, can buy it used cheap from a friend..

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Try using MSI Afterburner and putting it on a constant 30% - 40% fan speed and use Furmark to see how hot it gets. My GTS 250 is the same way, but at a constant 30% fan speed, it's pretty silent, and it's overclocked. The max temp when folding is 38C, and the max temp during Furmark is 78C.

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Try using MSI Afterburner and putting it on a constant 30% - 40% fan speed and use Furmark to see how hot it gets. My GTS 250 is the same way, but at a constant 30% fan speed, it's pretty silent, and it's overclocked. The max temp when folding is 38C, and the max temp during Furmark is 78C.


But do make sure you use caution when this is done. Make sure you have an effort to monitor the temperature of the gpu while you do other things and if its possible have a monitor in place. once you set it at continuous 30-40% then you may end up not noticing it overheating. good luck. Maybe there is a water cooling solution out there that could help?


Edit: also we have seen cases where someone isnt paying attention to the heat load of the gpu and when its set at 30 its going to stay there regardless... Maybe there is a chance you can change the fan curve like Nvidia cards can with the performance software sweet. I.E. cause the card to start cooling better at a lower temp.

Edited by boinker

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But do make sure you use caution when this is done. Make sure you have an effort to monitor the temperature of the gpu while you do other things and if its possible have a monitor in place. once you set it at continuous 30-40% then you may end up not noticing it overheating. good luck. Maybe there is a water cooling solution out there that could help?


Edit: also we have seen cases where someone isnt paying attention to the heat load of the gpu and when its set at 30 its going to stay there regardless... Maybe there is a chance you can change the fan curve like Nvidia cards can with the performance software sweet. I.E. cause the card to start cooling better at a lower temp.

Yes, sorry, I didn't finish out my explanation, either. Since I know my temps don't go above 80C, I make sure that at 80C, the fan speed rises exponentially to 100%. That way, only when that thing's being put to crazy usage, will the fan speed ever need to go up to cool it from getting any hotter.

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Gotcha el_capitan. I remember now I had a friend of mine that has an AMD 4 series card that seemed to do the same thing. Only thing that helped it was getting more air into the case. I cannot see what kind of case you have but I had to Butcher that poor dell case to make it cool properly.... But in the end, I WIN. :thumbsup:


Wish I could find a cooler for yours but no luck. sorry.


are you taking crazy pills, bro?


I have a 6850 and it is super quiet compared to the 4xxx series


do you have a first edition 6850? have you registered your card and heard about a bios update?



Edited by boinker

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Yes, sorry, I didn't finish out my explanation, either. Since I know my temps don't go above 80C, I make sure that at 80C, the fan speed rises exponentially to 100%. That way, only when that thing's being put to crazy usage, will the fan speed ever need to go up to cool it from getting any hotter.

Why 100% at 80C, that doesn't make sense :huh: that's lower than stock settings

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Why 100% at 80C, that doesn't make sense :huh: that's lower than stock settings

I'm not sure what you mean. My overclocked GTS 250 in my Storm Sniper case never reaches higher than 38C during folding, or any higher than 78C when stress testing in Furmark when the fan speed is at 30%. I'm not sure if it's because of my case cooling (I have quite a bit of Noctua NF-P12 fans).


Anyways, since those are the only two things I do with my GTS 250 (unless my main rig goes down, and I feel like needing to game on my AMD rig, or I need to do some video editing), I make sure my fan speed exponentially increases to 100% after 80C, just in case something causes it to do more than it can handle, and in case my case fans fail or something.


Before I had my Storm Sniper case, I had a cheap Rosewill case ($28 combo that included a 500W Rosewill PSU). Case cooling really makes a difference!

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I'm not sure what you mean. My overclocked GTS 250 in my Storm Sniper case never reaches higher than 38C during folding, or any higher than 78C when stress testing in Furmark when the fan speed is at 30%. I'm not sure if it's because of my case cooling (I have quite a bit of Noctua NF-P12 fans).


Anyways, since those are the only two things I do with my GTS 250 (unless my main rig goes down, and I feel like needing to game on my AMD rig, or I need to do some video editing), I make sure my fan speed exponentially increases to 100% after 80C, just in case something causes it to do more than it can handle, and in case my case fans fail or something.


Before I had my Storm Sniper case, I had a cheap Rosewill case ($28 combo that included a 500W Rosewill PSU). Case cooling really makes a difference!

I'm sure the GPU could handle far more than 80C why not set that 100% fan at like 95C

however unlikely it is that it'd reach that

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