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i7930/R2E OC in progress and stucked


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Im quite newbie with oc'ing i7 and R2E and desperately need some help with them. Before I dare to use my computer fully I would like to get some comments/hints about my settings. I copied most of them from some oc'er who has same hw that I have. There are also some weird things I dont understand. I have set BCLK 164 in BIOS and Target CPU Freq shows 3523MHz, but CPU-Z shows 3622 MHz and Prime95 shows 3588 MHz. I was thinking to run the cpu at 3.6 GHz.


Here are settings and readings from CPU-Z and BIOS:


i7 930-D0@3622 MHz (CPU-Z) Target CPU Freq: 3523 MHZ (BIOS) ?!?!?

x22 (BIOS: AUTO)

Bus Speed: 164 MHz

PCIE Freq: 100

QPI Link: 2961 MHz

Core V: 1.296 (1.30 V BIOS)

Dram Freq: 822.5 MHz

FSB : DRAM: 2:10

9.0 9 9 24 (G.Skill NQ PC3-10700 (667 MHz))

NB Freq 3289.9 MHz



Ai OC Tuner: Manual

CPU Ratio Setting: Auto

CPU Turbo Power Limit: Enabled

C1E Support: Disabled

Hardware Prefetcher: Enabled

Adjacent Cache Line Prefetcher: Enabled

intel Virtualization Tech: Disabled

CPU TM Function: Disabled

Exec Disable Bit: Disabled

HT: Enabled

SpeedStep: Enabled

Intel Turbo Mode: Enabled

BCLK Freq 164

PCIE Freq: 100

DRAM Freq: 1644 MHz

UCLK Freq: Auto

QPI Link Data Rate: Auto

Dram Timing Control: Auto

EPU II Phase: Full Phase

Load-Line Calibration: Auto

Extreme OV: Disabled

Current Voltage: 1.296 1.812 1.402

CPU Voltage Control: Absolute (VID)

CPU Voltage: 1.300


QPI/DRAM Core V: Auto

Current Voltage: 1.158 1.508 1.111 1.508

IOH: Auto


ICH: Auto


Current voltage: 1.793

DRAM Bus Voltage: Auto

Dram Ref Voltages: Auto



System specs: Core i7 930. Noctua NH-D14. Asus Rampage II Extreme. Xfx GTX 295. G.Skill NQ 6 GB/1600 MHz. Corsair 850W. 1 TB Samsung Spinpoint F3. Cooler Master HAF932...

Edited by SgtSpock

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Specs are added in previous post. Cpu ratio is now 21 and disabled those two things... btw what does mean level 2 on LLC? Looks like CPU-Z shows now almost same reading for cpu speed.

Edited by SgtSpock

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Hi i want to know wats ur cpu fan. i think u can push it over 4ghz with a 930 and also i7 cores tends to work better with odd multipliers

What the hell are you talking about?


First - read his sig - he's got a Noctua NH-D14.

Second - each CPU is unique and no two will clock identically.

Third - that makes no sense. i7 CPUs don't have any magical multiplier that makes them clock better.



Anyway - don't mean to come off sounding harsh - welcome to OCC!!! :cheers:

Edited by Waco

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What the hell are you talking about?


First - read his sig - he's got a Noctua NH-D14.

Second - each CPU is unique and no two will clock identically.

Third - that makes no sense. i7 CPUs don't have any magical multiplier that makes them clock better.



Anyway - don't mean to come off sounding harsh - welcome to OCC!!! :cheers:

srry didnt read signature. and i read somewhere that did say i7 works better with odd multiplier. wish i still have the site on my history =(

Thx for the welcoming thing

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The main reason you are seeing the clock speeds jumping is the fact you have your multiplier set to "Auto" in BIOS, and Dr. already pointed out the speedstep and turbo functions need to be disabled as well! Once you have done all of this the clock speed you see in BIOS will be the same clock speed you see in CPU-Z!

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Thanks. Yep now Bios and CPU-Z show same readings. I went up by 5 mhz steps (BCLK) and got up to 182 with 1.30 V when I got blue screen. Hummm I dont remember now what was max core V I set but got 3.95 GHz. Intel Burn test was succesful. Load temps were 68 78 69 72. This room is guite warm + we have floor warming... or something like that. dont kno right words for it... so i got back to 3.62 GHz. If it runs too hot at 3.95 GHz then maybe thermal paste is not spreaded well or there's no enough cool air in this room. Anyways u think those other settings and values are ok? Im still afraiding that I will burn something:) Oh and now my graphics card runs very hot. almost 100°C when playing Cod Black Ops. Because it is dual pcb card there's no water cooling solution for it. At least so far everybody has said "sorry we cant help u". I was anyway thinking to buy new card as soon as I have studied them all... water cooling solutions, performances etc...


EDIT: Dram Freq 877 MHz. How far I can go with Ram Frequency? is 1800 MHz too much?

Edited by SgtSpock

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most people don't hit above 800mhz (PC3 12800), i didn't even know they made sticks that hit 1800mhz unless you mean DDR3 1800 (PC3 14400) because 1800mhz would be way above DDR3 2500.


anyways your cards thermal limit is 105C so it still "alight" throw a fan across it for airflow. as for the CPU as long as it stays under 80c it will be okay but i would aim for 70~. a normal non W/C i7@4ghz is usually 75c under prime, of course this will vary with voltage, chip, room temp etc but i think your still in the green for the OC.

Edited by hornybluecow

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