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Q9450 struggle


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So I seem to have trouble getting 468FSB to be stable, I have the multi set to lowest on the CPU and memory divider on lowest.

Prime 95 will run stable for a couple hours then fail and I then ran memtest and it fails on tests 7 and 8.


I've tried every voltage, even loosened timings, set them to auto (though I don't think this is directly related to the memory)


Does anyone know the max one should take each voltage on a Gigabyte P45 board??

when I got my 500FSB last time on this one I didn't go through slowly and adjust all the voltages manually, I just set them all to auto with the exception of the CPU vcore and DRAM voltage.


I know now what they all mean to an extent but don't know how much higher I have to push since obviously I had no idea what kind of voltages my board ran before on it's own.


I also set everything back to stock and memtested the memory and they passed fine so it's definitely not memory being bad. (and they were still well below their stock stable speeds at 468FSB)


I wonder if my CPU Termination voltage is too low, I know you shouldn't really go above 1.4v for a 45nm Core 2 but it was set to auto before and may well have exceeded that with no issues.


I'll go try my old settings and see if it will run stable.


Thanks for any help you guys can give me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I see your post is several days old, and i wont be of much help to you since i skipped the core2 gen and i dont know much more than the basics about them. But i really felt like SOMEONE should reply to your post, seeing as how you go way out of your way to help so many people on these forums, yet nobody seems to have the time or input to help you!!!


Maybe i can help though if you havent figured it out already, i see in your sig you got your core2 upto 4Ghz now. But if its not stable yet, post your BIOS settings up for me, and ill take a look, maybe a second pair of eyes will help you see something you missed!!

Edited by MercuryDoun

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Bump, I've stabilized 478FSB but am unable to do so for 488FSB... does anyone know what voltage would be responsible for dead freezes (aka no Blue screen just outright freezing...it only will happen during stress testing with my settings, gaming and normal usage run perfectly fine.


I'm currently running my chip at 6x488 (2.92ghz) so I don't have to worry about vcores for now


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Why are you using a x6 multi? Doesnt the C2Q 9450 has a x8 Multi?


Locking up in the manner you described is often the result of some form of RAM issue, either be it the RAM itself(which i dont think is the problem) or the Northbridge failing to transfer information quickly enough. Could you up the speed and voltage of your northbridge?


Something you can do when you've hit a FSB wall is adjust the PCI-e up slightly, from 100, to 101 or MAAYBE 102, but this isnt exactly something you should do lightly, its more of something used for extreme OC's like 5+Ghz. This very well could be something you should look into trying to use such a high FSB.

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Why are you using a x6 multi? Doesnt the C2Q 9450 has a x8 Multi?


Locking up in the manner you described is often the result of some form of RAM issue, either be it the RAM itself(which i dont think is the problem) or the Northbridge failing to transfer information quickly enough. Could you up the speed and voltage of your northbridge?


Something you can do when you've hit a FSB wall is adjust the PCI-e up slightly, from 100, to 101 or MAAYBE 102, but this isnt exactly something you should do lightly, its more of something used for extreme OC's like 5+Ghz. This very well could be something you should look into trying to use such a high FSB.

Thanks I'll mess with some of the MCH shiz, the thing is that it passes memtests fine.


I'm just running my cpu at 6x until I can get the FSB up to atleast 500, preferably 533 (as that would max my memory). It eliminates the cpu being the problem for instability

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Well you said you used the auto settings before, set that thing to auto and let it eat. Maybe your motherboard knows about a voltage control we are over looking. Try setting certain ones to auto and some not.

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When you BSOD, what error information do you get?


What are your temperatures for your chipsets? Sometimes if they overheat, that'll cause a freeze or crash to the system, even if your CPU temps are fine.

There is no BSOD, it's a dead freeze (aka I just am frozen at desktop with prime95, HWMonitor and CPU-Z open)


Chipset temps are either 37C (25C idle), I think they're fine considering the bigass cooler Gigabyte supplied for them and this board. What's the best program to check their temps?

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Well, It has been years since I played around with my 9450 on my 790i, but in my experience, the simple freeze means you are close. When I'm overclocking I will get the no-boot, then the boot crash, then the BSOD, the the random windows freezes and sometimes restarts. So Although I cant tell you what's wrong by looking at your BIOS shots, I can tell you you're close. Adjust everything one by one up a little, up a decent amount, then down a little and down a decent amount. Time how long it takes to crash each time. That should help you narrow it down. I would recommend taking good notes for yourself to keep everything straight :) good luck! :thumbsup:

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Well if its nor memory its vcore. When i was really close to the required vcore for my overclocks with my i7(i know i know, different platform, but still) it would just freeze instead of crash. Give it just alittle bit more juice, like one or two bumps. Then see what happens.

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