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Yea i think i have , let it go that is, better late than never haha.gif sorry for all the crap. doh.gif If im ever spouting crap just call me on it, you will either get a link, or ill just let you know im full of it. No really i try to give info that is correct even if i dont like the way it comes out. I was not kidding about the links it is always good to learn.



I have no idea why I would need a link for this but look up. There is one. Don't sprout up crap about something you do not have an understanding of. Its all cool. The results are on the link for your proof.

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Google search it. You may learn something eventually. If you read my reply correctly(and you never do) I said put a fan(ONE) in the window blowing in. Then turn it around. I never said anything about multiple fans. I stated this to demonstrate what positive air flow and negative air flow do. Multiple fans do not change physics no matter how many fans you have. Kabish?????? Have you studied physics????? I am guessing no by your replies trying to instigate a fight.

Im sorry , i am done with you. Yes i have taken physics, and yes nothing you say can be proven.

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I have no idea why I would need a link for this but look up. There is one. Don't sprout up crap about something you do not have an understanding of. Its all cool. The results are on the link for your proof.

Edited by crazy8s846

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, I went from positive pressure . 230mm pulling air in and one 140mm fan pulling out, and two 200mm fans one pulling, one pushing.

Now my case is running negitive pressure, and there is no differance in my temps, and that should end this subject, if there is no noticeable drop in temps it does not matter. Maybe it does in your house, but in my HAF X it does not change a thing. The only thing i can do to lower my temps is take the side panel off and it will run like 1 or 2c lower. I am running two 120mm SAN ACE 4011 pushing air out, one yate loon high speed 140mm out, one 230mm pulling air in, and one 200mm fan pulling in.

Edited by crazy8s846

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Im sorry , i am done with you. Yes i have taken physics, and yes nothing you say can be proven.



The horse speaks!!!!!! Keep the conversation going and you will easily prove yourself wrong. Depending on your fans, the position and many variables inside YOUR case, your results may be different. The ambient temp may have changed a few degrees also leaving your test worthless. To do a proper test, you need controlled ambient temps........Also, too many fans may result in one or the other being higher temps(turbulence). In a small enviroment, the temp difference will be minimal anyhow(maybe 1 or 2 degrees). I enjoyed waiting till the end to say this.


It is a mathematical and a physical certainty, negative pressure cools better than positive pressure. I enjoyed you arguing differently though!


I will end it on this note. If your house had positive pressure heating it and ventilating, you would eventually die from carbon monoxide poisoning. If your vaccum cleaner ran on positive pressure, your house would be a dust bucket.

Edited by Drdeath

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You should carefully read the entire article that you saw fit to post drdeath... This is taken directly form the site that YOU Linked:


"Partially sealed graphics card cooler:

Diagram A:Heated air are blown partially out of the chassis with the rest remaining inside the chassis


Diagram A-1: In a negative pressure chassis, heated air that is suppose to be blown out will re-enter the chassis through openings nearby and raising the chassis temperature.


Diagram A-2: In a positive pressure chassis, all heated air from the graphics card will exit the chassis, keeping overall temperature low.



Fully sealed graphics card cooler:

Diagram B: Fully sealed graphics card does not exhaust heated air into the chassis, but the fan in the cooler is affected by the pressure inside the chassis.


Diagram B-1: In a negative pressure chassis, the air from outside will try to enter the chassis through all openings, including the graphics card exhaust opening. As a result, the fan in the graphics card cooler need to work harder to push the air out, becoming less efficient and likely to be more noisy.


Diagram B-2:

In a positive pressure chassis, air will try to escape out of the chassis through all openings and exhaust fans. As a result, the fan in the graphics card cooler, which isdesigned to exhaust air out of the chassis, will work more efficiently with increased airflow and less noise"


Funny... seems that positive pressure is better...


But in the same article it also explains that negative pressure seemed to be better for the system and cpu temps... Yet again... proving that its basically a matter of opinion... Sure negative pressure cools your system and CPU better, but its also pulls the hot air exhausted from your video card into your case, therefore raising temps... Essentially, you did a great job of using a screen shot out of context. Please... SHUT THE F$#K UP... You two retards can do one of two things... create your own thread talking about Negative and Positive pressure or take it to PM's. You both should try not being a$$-bag's.

Edited by MercuryDoun

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You should carefully read the entire article that you saw fit to post drdeath... This is taken directly form the site that YOU Linked:


"Partially sealed graphics card cooler:

Diagram A:Heated air are blown partially out of the chassis with the rest remaining inside the chassis


Diagram A-1: In a negative pressure chassis, heated air that is suppose to be blown out will re-enter the chassis through openings nearby and raising the chassis temperature.


Diagram A-2: In a positive pressure chassis, all heated air from the graphics card will exit the chassis, keeping overall temperature low.



Fully sealed graphics card cooler:

Diagram B: Fully sealed graphics card does not exhaust heated air into the chassis, but the fan in the cooler is affected by the pressure inside the chassis.


Diagram B-1: In a negative pressure chassis, the air from outside will try to enter the chassis through all openings, including the graphics card exhaust opening. As a result, the fan in the graphics card cooler need to work harder to push the air out, becoming less efficient and likely to be more noisy.


Diagram B-2:

In a positive pressure chassis, air will try to escape out of the chassis through all openings and exhaust fans. As a result, the fan in the graphics card cooler, which isdesigned to exhaust air out of the chassis, will work more efficiently with increased airflow and less noise"


Funny... seems that positive pressure is better...


But in the same article it also explains that negative pressure seemed to be better for the system and cpu temps... Yet again... proving that its basically a matter of opinion... Sure negative pressure cools your system and CPU better, but its also pulls the hot air exhausted from your video card into your case, therefore raising temps... Essentially, you did a great job of using a screen shot out of context. Please... SHUT THE F$#K UP... You two retards can do one of two things... create your own thread talking about Negative and Positive pressure or take it to PM's. You both should try not being a$$-bag's.

Look why result to calling people names, in the first place i could care less about pos, neg who cares, i just do not like it when someone says things and state that they are fact,and they are not. and You know newbies are going to read it, and some will beleave it. Give someone enough rope and they will hang themselves. Like i said im done,

Edited by crazy8s846

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You should carefully read the entire article that you saw fit to post drdeath... This is taken directly form the site that YOU Linked:


"Partially sealed graphics card cooler:

Diagram A:Heated air are blown partially out of the chassis with the rest remaining inside the chassis


Diagram A-1: In a negative pressure chassis, heated air that is suppose to be blown out will re-enter the chassis through openings nearby and raising the chassis temperature.


Diagram A-2: In a positive pressure chassis, all heated air from the graphics card will exit the chassis, keeping overall temperature low.



Fully sealed graphics card cooler:

Diagram B: Fully sealed graphics card does not exhaust heated air into the chassis, but the fan in the cooler is affected by the pressure inside the chassis.


Diagram B-1: In a negative pressure chassis, the air from outside will try to enter the chassis through all openings, including the graphics card exhaust opening. As a result, the fan in the graphics card cooler need to work harder to push the air out, becoming less efficient and likely to be more noisy.


Diagram B-2:

In a positive pressure chassis, air will try to escape out of the chassis through all openings and exhaust fans. As a result, the fan in the graphics card cooler, which isdesigned to exhaust air out of the chassis, will work more efficiently with increased airflow and less noise"


Funny... seems that positive pressure is better...


But in the same article it also explains that negative pressure seemed to be better for the system and cpu temps... Yet again... proving that its basically a matter of opinion... Sure negative pressure cools your system and CPU better, but its also pulls the hot air exhausted from your video card into your case, therefore raising temps... Essentially, you did a great job of using a screen shot out of context. Please... SHUT THE F$#K UP... You two retards can do one of two things... create your own thread talking about Negative and Positive pressure or take it to PM's. You both should try not being a$$-bag's.



Read the best overall results part pal.

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I am only going to say this once. There is no need for name calling to get your point across. If you want to have a discussion thats fine but lose the insults or their will be some vacations given out.


Grow up for crying out loud.

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I wasnt name calling for the sake of the argument Bosco, I was name calling to try and get these two to stop having a hissy fit on someone else's thread... It no longer has anything to do with what the OP had posted for in the first place.

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