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the 4ghz fail club

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no ive tryed the bus speed as well i took it to 3.8ghz with the multi and uped the bus speed to take it to 3.9 and 4 i cant get either stable even with droping the ram frequency should i try lowering the multi and uping the bus speed? any ideas would be greatly appreciated maybe adjusting the north or south bridge i dont know ive never done it before.


oh yeah and i figured out the "bccode 9c" thats not an issue any more.

+ ive seen a guy who has a 555 on my board stable at 4ghz but was a very old post on a random forum so couldnt find anything out.

what are your HT link and CPUNB frequencies??

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temps aren't a problem are they?


max temp at load is 36 at 3.8ghz

with ht link of 2000mhz

and nb frequency of 2000mhz according to cpuz

sorry i dont know much about nb and ht setup.

Edited by punkishbloke

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keep the HT at 2000 and raise the CPUNB to 2400 and check it out


so heres the most stable ive got it

cpu multiplier 16

bus speed 250

vcore 1.5v

ht link 1750

nb frequency 2000


managed 5 mins in prime95 all temps below 36 degreas according to speed fan.


droping the ht seemed to help but uping the nb didnt help so i dropped it back ive not messed with the nb voltage not realy sure what the stock should be or if it will help to up it. Im racking my brains with this one now 1.5v seems high for the vcore on a dual core and i dont think i should go any higher i am desperate for any ideas or help that anyone cant give me. :doh:

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