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the 4ghz fail club

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I cant reach 4ghz on my new phenom 555 c3 i seem to get stuck at 3.8ghz with a vcore of 1.45v. after that it doesnt seem to matter how i overclock it or how many volts i put through it, i just get the bsod. :down:

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Well hell, there goes my idea. I know i had issues w/ mine when it was unlocked. At stock settings it worked fine, but just a small bump started getting BSODs and glitching. So i locked the cores and no more issues.

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Wait, your the one that had to Southern engineer a fix for a broken pin weren't you? That could be causing some issue.


yeah i am indeed but i shouldnt think that its had an effect (atleast i hope) there is a solid connection on the broken pin.

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yeah i am indeed but i shouldnt think that its had an effect (atleast i hope) there is a solid connection on the broken pin.



Just thinking out loud. It may seem like a solid connections but its still not the same as the original and may not be able to withstand the voltage/current needed. but, i also don't see 1 pin holding you back that much.

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Just thinking out loud. It may seem like a solid connections but its still not the same as the original and may not be able to withstand the voltage/current needed. but, i also don't see 1 pin holding you back that much.


well ive just started getting aftea boot a windows error which is "bccode 9c" this is supposed to be hardware failure of either cpu,motherboard or ram. But this doesnt crash my system everything runs fine after i dismiss it hmmm nothings ever easy.

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well ive just started getting aftea boot a windows error which is "bccode 9c" this is supposed to be hardware failure of either cpu,motherboard or ram. But this doesnt crash my system everything runs fine after i dismiss it hmmm nothings ever easy.



wouldn't be fun if it was.

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are you overclocking strictly from the multiplier??


no ive tryed the bus speed as well i took it to 3.8ghz with the multi and uped the bus speed to take it to 3.9 and 4 i cant get either stable even with droping the ram frequency should i try lowering the multi and uping the bus speed? any ideas would be greatly appreciated maybe adjusting the north or south bridge i dont know ive never done it before.


oh yeah and i figured out the "bccode 9c" thats not an issue any more.

+ ive seen a guy who has a 555 on my board stable at 4ghz but was a very old post on a random forum so couldnt find anything out.

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