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Bad Company 2 Haters?


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realism = fail sometimes. u make games too real and it becomes non enjoyable. sure mw2 is so unrealistic that's why ppl love it. there crap at games but mw2 makes them into a kill streak youtube montage pro. bc2 is bout as real as ill go. u go any more real and its not worth playing. i like games to involve skill cause it sorts out noobs from pros. but there is a line between a fun realistic game and a game that is just to realistic.


Have to agree with this. Games have to be fun, and if that means it has to be a little less realistic ( crysis :D ) so what? If you absolutely want reality, go join the army :)

Edited by hawkin90

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i like mw2 for the stylish aspect. its way unrealistic but for my quick scoping its good. like the other guy said bc2 in hc mode is good. i love it. i wouldn't go further that bc2 realism imo.

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Ha you ask why people don't like this game and this is your response... Great work! :thumbsup:


To answer your question PC games don't like consoletard trash, quite simply put. There hasn't been a decent shooter on PC in damn near ages. ARMA 2 came quite close, and is probably the best shooter to come out in quite some time. There hasn't been much done in the world of shooters really, its same cookie cutter usual stuff. Now every developer focuses on some stupid cover popamole game now a days "I is hide behind da table and just pop up and shoot everyone dis be fun!'... ughggh. Gears of Fail started this whole stupid trend, and in my opinion hurt the shooter genre. Now, no one hates BC2 because they prefer MW2, a game which you rightfully hate as it is horrible, its just they don't prefer either of them. I mean seriously regenerative health? No pro gamer will deal with that, its retarded, dumb and needs to go.


Also did I seriously see people call BC2 a tactical shooter? Wow... Go play ARMA 2 or the first Op. Flash. if you want a tactical sim, you're ideas of 'tactical' will totally change... Man games suck now a days, haha.


But if you have fun with it, have fun, don't worry what others think yo, everyone likes different things. It's just the older generation (old being, sadly 23+ it seems...) do not like how games have removed features and dumbed things down for consoles. Shooters have been affected the most. Lean buttons? Who needs it! etc. etc., all trying to streamline games for consoles. It sucks but what can ya do. Thats why most gamers hate every PC shooter, not just BC2.


Yeah ARMA2 is not one of the top shooters....not even close. In an attempt to attain the ultimate realism it fails big time. I gave it a shot for a few months and tried to get into it....its just way too unpolished. That game has potential but the developers got in over their heads.


I play BC2 because its fun, anyone that plays knows its not anything close to a simulation, nor does it attempt to be.

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Ha you ask why people don't like this game and this is your response... Great work! :thumbsup:


To answer your question PC games don't like consoletard trash, quite simply put. There hasn't been a decent shooter on PC in damn near ages. ARMA 2 came quite close, and is probably the best shooter to come out in quite some time. There hasn't been much done in the world of shooters really, its same cookie cutter usual stuff. Now every developer focuses on some stupid cover popamole game now a days "I is hide behind da table and just pop up and shoot everyone dis be fun!'... ughggh. Gears of Fail started this whole stupid trend, and in my opinion hurt the shooter genre. Now, no one hates BC2 because they prefer MW2, a game which you rightfully hate as it is horrible, its just they don't prefer either of them. I mean seriously regenerative health? No pro gamer will deal with that, its retarded, dumb and needs to go.


Also did I seriously see people call BC2 a tactical shooter? Wow... Go play ARMA 2 or the first Op. Flash. if you want a tactical sim, you're ideas of 'tactical' will totally change... Man games suck now a days, haha.


But if you have fun with it, have fun, don't worry what others think yo, everyone likes different things. It's just the older generation (old being, sadly 23+ it seems...) do not like how games have removed features and dumbed things down for consoles. Shooters have been affected the most. Lean buttons? Who needs it! etc. etc., all trying to streamline games for consoles. It sucks but what can ya do. Thats why most gamers hate every PC shooter, not just BC2.

I've got to disagree.


Gears of War got its cover system from Kill.Switch, which came out long before GoW. GoW is a good game, at least definitely so in my eyes, and you can't blame it for being the sole reason that the shooter genre "got hurt" as you put it. In many ways I think it's better.


I don't care for realism. Give me super regenerative healing powers over health kits any day. It keeps you in the action longer. It stops health kit camping. It's just altogether more fun.


Yeah a cover system is great fun in a single player environment. Who wants to stand directly in the line of fire of a load of guys with guns, unless you have a health bar that's a meter long? In a multiplayer game though, no, it isn't fun, as it's unfair that the covered players get an advantage over mobile players.


BC2 is a tactical shooter. It might not be as much of one as ARMA 2, but in the end, without tactics, your team is going to suck.


But if you have fun with it, have fun, don't worry what others think yo, everyone likes different things.

Well first of all, thanks for not blindly saying that everyone who doesn't share your viewpoint is wrong, but also, if you're going to end your post with that line, why bother writing at all? :biggrin: Besides, most gamers do not hate pc shooters. CS:S is one of the most played PC shooters of all time and there's no lean, or prone, or inventory management, or anything of the sort. You don't aim, it's all hip fire. It's pure fun, and just because it doesn't have some features, doesn't mean it's hated. It's just people being too damn anal about what they will and wont play.

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Well first of all, thanks for not blindly saying that everyone who doesn't share your viewpoint is wrong, but also, if you're going to end your post with that line, why bother writing at all? :biggrin: Besides, most gamers do not hate pc shooters. CS:S is one of the most played PC shooters of all time and there's no lean, or prone, or inventory management, or anything of the sort. You don't aim, it's all hip fire. It's pure fun, and just because it doesn't have some features, doesn't mean it's hated. It's just people being too damn anal about what they will and wont play.

CSS is a pure FPS, as I call it. It one of those games that simply can't be bad, despite anyone's thoughts on it. Those kinds of games are the best because it's possible to get very very good and it's pure skill. Not like MW2 where it's 5% skill (being able to hold your mouse and keyboard), and 95% perks. Bad Company 2 isn't a pure FPS but it also isn't MW2. It's somewhere in the middle, and DICE have made a damn good job of creating a game that is fun and at the same time doesn't sacrifice anything in order to make it skill-requiring and realistic (to a certain degree).


Also, most gamers are PC gamers. xD

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CSS is a pure FPS, as I call it. It one of those games that simply can't be bad, despite anyone's thoughts on it. Those kinds of games are the best because it's possible to get very very good and it's pure skill. Not like MW2 where it's 5% skill (being able to hold your mouse and keyboard), and 95% perks. Bad Company 2 isn't a pure FPS but it also isn't MW2. It's somewhere in the middle, and DICE have made a damn good job of creating a game that is fun and at the same time doesn't sacrifice anything in order to make it skill-requiring and realistic (to a certain degree).


Also, most gamers are PC gamers. xD


MW2 blows in general. The game is basically all perks and if you see someone, he's dead. No one in that game has any skill. Bad Company 2 is on a completely different genre. Perks aren't even that overpowered and they even match up to low ranks. All guns are well balanced and not one gun is overpowered over another. Each game mode is for everyone. I have a full review on this game explaining how great this game is. No one should even complain about this game at all. tkrow21 and I play daily on squad rush and rush and all we do is trash on . players who just whine. Bad Company 2 is a TEAM game. That's probably why everyone QQs and cries all the time.


CSS is pure FPS, I agree, and I also agree that it is pure skill. Everything about CSS is pure skill. Bhopping, Surfing, Strafing, all of that takes skill. Even 1 deags are near impossible to little kids. CSS is the FPS Standard, if not the best FPS. Modern Warfare 2 was out for a year I think, but CSS has been out since 2004 and people still play. Who's the winner between the two? Bad Company 2.

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This thread has made my day. Do you all know what you sound like when you say this stuff? It's just a bunch of video games, none of them are actually better than any other. You guys say things like "CSS is pure skill" and "MW2 is crap" as if it were in an encyclopedia or something. These are just opinions, you can't actually argue this stuff because there are no facts to support a statement like "MW2 sucks".


Here's the really funny thing, everyone here claims that it's the call of duty crowd the has the "I can't believe there is a better game than call of duty" attitude, but you all have this attitude for your own favorite shooter. This thread is based on hypocrisy.

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This thread has made my day. Do you all know what you sound like when you say this stuff? It's just a bunch of video games, none of them are actually better than any other. You guys say things like "CSS is pure skill" and "MW2 is crap" as if it were in an encyclopedia or something. These are just opinions, you can't actually argue this stuff because there are no facts to support a statement like "MW2 sucks".


Here's the really funny thing, everyone here claims that it's the call of duty crowd the has the "I can't believe there is a better game than call of duty" attitude, but you all have this attitude for your own favorite shooter. This thread is based on hypocrisy.



Opinions? Do you know why most people own Modern Warfare 2? It's because of the hype created from Modern Warfare 1, and the success it's gotten from the COD series. Battlefield renders at very little gamers, roughly probably half the size of gamers that play MW2. Battlefield Bad Company 2 came up from nothing and created something that was fun for everyone. Yes these may be opinions, but these opinions may even act as evidence. True gamers know the difference in games when you have comparisons and not just 1 game to defend when he doesn't have the other. I can definitely guarantee you that CSS will in fact rise above all these games in the end. Hype is the creation of sales, and retards who get sucked into hype play a game they force themselves to believe that it's "good".

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This thread has made my day. Do you all know what you sound like when you say this stuff? It's just a bunch of video games, none of them are actually better than any other. You guys say things like "CSS is pure skill" and "MW2 is crap" as if it were in an encyclopedia or something. These are just opinions, you can't actually argue this stuff because there are no facts to support a statement like "MW2 sucks".


Here's the really funny thing, everyone here claims that it's the call of duty crowd the has the "I can't believe there is a better game than call of duty" attitude, but you all have this attitude for your own favorite shooter. This thread is based on hypocrisy.

lol of course there are facts to support the statements we make. Depending on what kind of games we are talking about, there are GOOD and BAD games. This thread seems to be about online fps games. Of course you can't say that css or bc2 or mw2 are good when it comes to a story since they aren't made for that. Just as you can't say that Little Big Planet is a good skill based FPS game simply because it's not that kind of game.

This being said, MW2 does in fact suck as a skill-based FPS game, and Counter-Strike is in fact the most pure and skill-based game out there. Bad Company 2 is in fact a good blend of realism, fun and requires a lot of skill in order to get to the top of the scoreboard. Opinions are just that, opinions and they don't change the game or anything about it physically. If it's good, then it's good no matter what, but in order to be able to say this, one must first see where the game is standing amongst all the other games, and most importantly amongst all the other games of the same genre. If you want a good story from CSS, obviously CSS is a sucky story game and it should go die. If you want a nice challenge and the ability to improve, then that's what you want to play.


Opinions? Do you know why most people own Modern Warfare 2? It's because of the hype created from Modern Warfare 1, and the success it's gotten from the COD series. Battlefield renders at very little gamers, roughly probably half the size of gamers that play MW2. Battlefield Bad Company 2 came up from nothing and created something that was fun for everyone. Yes these may be opinions, but these opinions may even act as evidence. True gamers know the difference in games when you have comparisons and not just 1 game to defend when he doesn't have the other. I can definitely guarantee you that CSS will in fact rise above all these games in the end. Hype is the creation of sales, and retards who get sucked into hype play a game they force themselves to believe that it's "good".

I agree.

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Opinions? Do you know why most people own Modern Warfare 2? It's because of the hype created from Modern Warfare 1, and the success it's gotten from the COD series. Battlefield renders at very little gamers, roughly probably half the size of gamers that play MW2. Battlefield Bad Company 2 came up from nothing and created something that was fun for everyone. Yes these may be opinions, but these opinions may even act as evidence. True gamers know the difference in games when you have comparisons and not just 1 game to defend when he doesn't have the other. I can definitely guarantee you that CSS will in fact rise above all these games in the end. Hype is the creation of sales, and retards who get sucked into hype play a game they force themselves to believe that it's "good".

Most people play MW2 because they enjoy it, it's not from the hype of previous call of duty games. Call of Duty 2 and 4 are still played much more than MW2 according to xfire stats.


Also, BC2 definitely didn't come from nothing, that's why it's got a 2 behind the title, because it came from bad company 1, which was successful. Bad Company sells well


Opinions cannot act as evidence. True gamer? Can you define that? You want to see what you get when you google "true gamer definition"? You get this. A bunch of forum goers that think they know they are talking about, just like the bunch of us here.


See now, the links and examples I've used are statistics or events that can be applied to what I am saying. So far this thread has had nothing of the sort, it's just a bunch of ranting about how you hate other games because people that play them hate your game.

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