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as of today my parents moved my computer to the basement so i could study for university. right when i was getting that solder iron to do some wiring. in a way i dont blame them for doing it. In a more accurate way im pissed off that they did that. *sigh* :( no more fun for lil General

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Ahhh! dont worry, if you still live with your parents and they still have the right to take stuff away from you, that means you have tons and tons of time ahead of you to have fun *sniffcrap i may be older than your parents lol and i still mod the hell out of everything and i'm still having fun. Life is long enough to have fun, just be patient you'll be on your own soon enough modding till 4 AM ;)

Edited by kobalt

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well they let me on today :D so i dont plan on going to bed tonite. making the most out of it :D

jsut like everyone should do in life. but i tell u having something then not having something makes u enjoy that something more when u have it again.

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