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Disable A Subwoofer?


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Ok my room mate cranks his garbage jungle beats all day long, which is fine, but the bass just goes through anything.. my wall, and my earplugs. They are just a 2.1 creative set but the subwoofer has no intensity control so you can't turn down the bass. Is there any way to disable the woofer?? Cause all of the inputs for the speakers and power go through it. I'm about to just go in there and start cuttin wires soon.

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in the sound controls.. some where in advance u should beable to turn the bass down..

ive been able to do it with all operating systems..


Start -> programs -> access -> entertainment -> volume control..


go to options.. click on adv. controls..


under wav. their should say advance.. click on that.. and change treb. bass.. etc..

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well if u cant change the bass propertys then u have a very old sound card.. or a prebuilt PC..


If thats not the case then I would say go to ur Soundcards website and download the latest drivers.. cuz you should beable to.. even my old sound blaster AWG 64 Gold allowed me to change the bass propertys.. that was an ISA card BTW.. wow.. scary..

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