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Fried Hard Drive


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we should open up a topic labeled "disabled comp parts" or something like that mainly for posting pics like that of that fried HD, that would be very interesting!


im a newb :(

:withstupid: great idea! got a lot more dead destroyed parts here that i can post

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I think I'm going to go put a bullet threw my CD burner, its been such a pain in the a55 lately that I should just destroy it. The mods should make that a pinned topic, destroyed comp parts... hopefully one of them reads this.

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if you wanna see burnt hardware, check out this site: http://www.twistedhardware.net/



And for those of you too lazy to click the link, here are some highlights (just a couple for those 56k'rs out there)



This is supposedly from a PSU going bad. Funny thing is, the hard-drive still functioned and was readable. :)



This guy forgot to turn on his watercooling setup. Thats why we use relays.

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