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HELP! After overclocking, files are corrupting!?

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Hey guys, I have a pretty frustrating problem that I've been trying to deal with for weeks now. for some reason, Every time I overclock my CPU, files seem to become corrupted in some form or another. This happens for every program, be it games, iTunes, Chrome, Steam, whatever. This only seems to happen when my overclock fails though (be it too high of a bclk or whatever) and OCCT shuts down from too high temps (80c-85c) or BSOD from Prime95. During successful runs, this doesn't seem to be an issue, but as soon as i start to raise the blck or the voltage or the multiplier, everything goes to hell and .dlls start to freak out. Sometimes chkdsk will run at startup and do its thing, sometimes not and boots straight into windows (or not, depending on whether or not the sign in files have been damaged). What's going on? Did I damage the CPU? The hard drive should be fine, as when I do a clean install, everything runs fine. As soon as I start to OC at all though, things hit the fan and I have to start reinstalling programs left and right to repair them (or eventually just reinstall windows if things get bad).


Here's the setup:


Windows 7 64-bit


Core i7 930 @ 2.8GHz

RAdeon HD 5850

Crucial 6GB DDR3 - 1333 Triple Channel

Cooler Master Hyper 212+ in push/pull configuration using two NF-P12s


I've reset my BIOS to default config, so there's no OCing right now, but I just had to reinstall two games and iTunes because of corrupted files. Am I doing something wrong? Is the CPU damaged? RAM? Please help...

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There's always an outside chance of file corruption following any system crash/overclock fail and especially so if you are overclocking a PC that's full of data/programs. It's far safer to overclock on a new install with just the programs you need and when you are happy with the results and everythings stable load up your apps, games, etc.

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Overclock was:



160 bclk

1.375 vtt

default vcore

IOH 1.3

RAM 8-8-8-25 @ 1.5v (RAM ratio left at default)


I think that was it...


It's actually really retarded that the CPU was overheating here, so I'm going to reseat the cooler tonight. CHKDSK is running right now, so I can't make any changes at the moment.


I'm not sure if I overclocked the southbridge btw, I'm new at this. I've been following this guide to help me: http://www.overclockers.com/3-step-guide-overclock-core-i3-i5-i7/


There's always an outside chance of file corruption following any system crash/overclock fail and especially so if you are overclocking a PC that's full of data/programs. It's far safer to overclock on a new install with just the programs you need and when you are happy with the results and everythings stable load up your apps, games, etc.


Interesting. The guides I've been reading never mentioned any of that to me. Should I maybe just backup all my important stuff, wipe the drive, clean install, then start OCing and see what happens? I'm not looking forward to spending a few hours doing that, but if it would stop messing with my programs, I'd be willing.

Edited by Avondale

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If I had to guess I would say drop the ram multiplyer down to 8 or 6 or bump the ram v up to 1.6v (I suspect your running it at 1600 and its 1333 ram on 1.5v) I think the defualt mult on the ram is 10 if I recall. Just a guess though.

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