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Monoprice.com hacked, check your credit card statements

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I bought some cables from them a few weeks ago and nothing weird showed on my credit card, though, I used google checkout so they wouldn't have an actual record of my credit card. I try to use google checkout or paypal when I buy stuff online since it seems to be more secure than using the actual company.

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During the failed Revolution, yeah :P. Today it's all just rioting.


Actually, it's strikes. There aren't many riots, but theres a crapload of public transportation strikes.

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Thats nearly 5 years ago, they died down a bit. The strikes have always been going on, and are still going on. Real pain in the butt.

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I should maybe pay this guy a visit. Seems he lives pretty close to me.


Now where'd I put my boomstick...

Hes not far from me if the map is right, got a buddy of mine on HPD checking out the IP Address...

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