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Do You Belive In God?



102 members have voted

  1. 1. Do You Belive In God?

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Ok u win so that means that ur a retard



don't belive me read the pic i posted



"you need to be commited "

a lot of people tell me that thx for the compliment



btw i'm not trying to make argument cause then i would be the retard (like ur self) argueing on the internet. i'm only posting my point of view

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I hate it when people use the bible as written truth all the time...

I mean come on, if I wrote a book and got a bunch of people

to believe it and I slipped in a part about Intel sucking really badly,

does that make it written truth? that's just my oppinion...

If god had some balls he'd come down and make a speech

on CNN... that would rock... it'd be like the state of the union

of the man himself (if he exists)... I'd love to hear the part about

p2p and expecially the AMD/Intel and Nvidia/ATI battles...

maybe he could banish a few people to hell and stir up some drama...

hey I'd be a believer in whatever the bible says if that happened and

I'm sure we'd get plenty more over the next couple thousand years...

especially if they get it all on DVD so people who werent there could see it...

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It's none of your business.


j5 out


ps. crap straight DeMoN love the pic.

ghehe, what are your trying to say? .... you love the retarted girl .. :D :D



No phr34k show.....(although i am sure the retarded girl is very nice)

I was saying the message in the pic is correct. arguing on the net is like running in the special olympics even if you win you're still retarded.


Besides people have been arguing about this "is there a god?, does god love/hate me?,what is the meaning of life?" BS as long as man has been able to form a coherent thought i seriously doubt anything will be resolved here.


personally i'm agnostic ie. i don't know if there is a god but i don't rule out the posibility. I tend towards a more zen buddist / taoist philosophy anyway





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Ok u win so that means that ur a retard



don't belive me read the pic i posted



"you need to be commited "

a lot of people tell me that thx for the compliment



btw i'm not trying to make argument cause then i would be the retard (like ur self) argueing on the internet. i'm only posting my point of view

You're in the Alley Einstein...that's what we do here argue...mostly anyway...usually we try to discuss things rationally from different point of views.....until someone like you shows up and then it turns into immature BS....you didn't say why you didn't believe...you didn't say what you DO believe in...you just came off sounding like an immature angst ridden little boy....if you don't believe that's just fine with me.....but you don't come on here and dis those that do...that's called STARTING an argument. <_<

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u r the one arguing here i stated my point then u came back at it. i did not come here to start a arguement (unlike ur self) i responded to a poll then posted my point of view. but since ur an . hole and have nothing better to do then to prove that there is a god u had to argue my view

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u r the one arguing here i stated my point then u came back at it. i did not come here to start a arguement (unlike ur self) i responded to a poll then posted my point of view. but since ur an . hole and have nothing better to do then to prove that there is a god u had to argue my view

I have said absolutely nothing to try to prove that there is a God.....I would never bother wasting my time(i've said this in an earlier post)I just stated my beliefs....you called God a magical man that lives in the sky...and called the bible a book of lies....that's very offensive to those who DO believe....and it WILL start an argument....especially from me( I live for this $***)...if you had just stated that you don't believe it wouldn't have been a problem...but you have to start dissin and name calling....therefore....I make it a point to antagonize you...because I knew you would get all defensive and start mouthing off like the little ***** that you are....thanks...it's been fun...but i'm bored now. ;)

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i will re post my last post cause it did not get into ur retarted head.


u r the one arguing here i stated my point then u came back at it. i did not come here to start a arguement (unlike ur self) i responded to a poll then posted my point of view. but since ur an . hole and have nothing better to do then to prove that there is a god u had to argue my view


i anit arguing with u i'm just stating my point of view

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i will re post my last post cause it did not get into ur retarted head.


u r the one arguing here i stated my point then u came back at it. i did not come here to start a arguement (unlike ur self) i responded to a poll then posted my point of view. but since ur an . hole and have nothing better to do then to prove that there is a god u had to argue my view


i anit arguing with u i'm just stating my point of view

LOL....this thing we're doing here...this is called arguing...it takes two.....and if i'm retarted...then you're about 2 brain cells away from bein a vegetable.....i'll RESTATE what I said I have said absolutely nothing to try to prove that there is a God .....I would never bother wasting my time(i've said this in an earlier post)I just stated my beliefs....you called God a magical man that lives in the sky...and called the bible a book of lies....that's very offensive to those who DO believe....and it WILL start an argument.......especially from me( I live for this $***)...if you had just stated that you don't believe it wouldn't have been a problem...but you have to start dissin and name calling....therefore....I make it a point to antagonize you...because I knew you would get all defensive and start mouthing off like the little ***** that you are....thanks...it's been fun...but i'm bored now :P

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u r trying to prove there is a god cause u keep on comming back at every crap thing i say. i stated my point now i'm standing my ground not arguing it. also this is can not be an argument because only u are angry i'm not i stated my point and that was it i had no more to say untill u opened ur mouth and started to inusult me on my point of view and my beliefs, so then it became personial. if any 1 else has a problem with my beliefs and my point of view then i will be glad to explaine it to them. BUT I WILL NOT EXPAIN IT TO U!!. so get as mad as u want and look to your bible for how to solve this 1 . hole.



p.s. have fun with ur lame come back

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u r trying to prove there is a god cause u keep on comming back at every crap thing i say. i stated my point now i'm standing my ground not arguing it. also this is can not be an argument because only u are angry i'm not
Edited by CelticaFLT

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