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p35-ds3l rev 2 Overclock problems when switching videocards

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Hey guys


I have a P35-DSL3Rev2 motherboard. I have had plenty of success overclocking my e8400 to 3.6ghz with an 8800gt.


Recently, I upgraded to a ATI hd4870 and I am using the same BIOS settings for the CPU overlock... Now the board won't post if I'm using the Overclocks settings(4870 installed.) So i cleared the CMOS and now the 4870 posts. I go to overclock and it won't post. I pop back in the 8800gt and it will post at stock and with CPU overclocked.





I just don't understand what my video card has to do with overclocking my CPU. I even went out and bought a better PSU (even though the other one didnt have problems but the amps were just over recommended).

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Did you properly remove all the Nvidia drivers? Then swap out the cards. Then install the new drivers?

POST means Power On Self Test, so that means his MoBo isn't doing what it needs to do to get to the first boot device.

Now, as far as your problem, I would say a BIOS update? this problem is quite peculiar

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Overclocked on caffeine running XP 32bit. And 768MB shy of 1024MB memory...

...............................Oops make that Windows 95............

Edited by OwinC

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Check your Cpu voltage in windows with cpu-z with no overclock on each card. It might be the the Ati card

is pulling the CPU voltage down so you will have to raise it to compensate

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Voltages are good. PSU is the 600w ocz gamestream.



Here's something strange... I was on the SKETCHHHHH website reading about problems and some guy said that sometimes having USB devices plugged in will prevent an OC from posting.


So I unplugged my wireless xbox360 dongle and mouse and then it posted with OC settings. Get into windows, hook up devices, reboot.. doesn't post.


Tried using other usb devices (printer / joystick) and it would not post with OC settings. Also tried different combo's of USB ports.


Perhaps maybe upping the voltage on a bridge (idk which one it would be) that hosts the USB controller?


Thanks for the help guys

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