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My new T.E.C. cooling Block .


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Well it my not be new to you but I just installed this thing today and I am impressed with the performance of this tec WB . This is the Swiftech McW6500-T and most said ( some still do ) that this is no good . Well I am hear to say BS to that ! This is a great WB . My Q9650 is running at 4.0GHz with 1.34 vCore with that said I ran line pack OCCT for 15 or so min just to heat things up to temp . well nothing changed as far as temps go after one hour so here is the screen shot after 15 min.




As you see temps are nice and cool nothing over 59*c !

And wait just look at this run at normal OCCT testing !







The censors are stuck yes they are stuck the core temps have never gone below 37 37 38 38 at idle . but here they did not even move at all either !





The water coming off the WB at full load gets to 48*c the temp on top of the WB gets to 34*c so . there you have it a sweet cooler and fun too .

Edited by trickson

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little starved for attention are we?


You only waited an hour, and you posted later in the evening, when traffic starts to die down. what do you expect? :glare:


yes, your temps are great, nice work. there, is that better?

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How hot is the hot side of the pelt? With a heat load like that (and with it only being rated for 155 watts) I can't imagine it'll last all that long. Is the slight drop in load temps worth nearly $200?

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How hot is the hot side of the pelt? With a heat load like that (and with it only being rated for 155 watts) I can't imagine it'll last all that long. Is the slight drop in load temps worth nearly $200?


that & running @ 60

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Yep crazy ! I love it just make me feel all cold inside . And 59*c is the hottest it gets that is at 105.25 watts as far as watts going up ? nope that is the highest they go no more . And yes this is great . why not ? Why all the negativity twords it ? It is far better than a stock setup , right ? what your system have lower temps and is just water cooled ? I do not know what you 2 are talking about . A high end air cooler is better ? ARE YOU NUTS ?

Look at your computer right now ! Take a good look at it ! ARE you running the thing at 100% load ? do you really ever get it to 100% load ? If so are you doing this 24/7 ? If so I would love to see that ! No 99% of all computers out on the market today only used 50% of the total power of a CPU so tell me Watson is yours FULL ON 100 % load all the time ? NO I get temps as low as 2*c and that is were the money is ! I have had it on all day long heating this room up and it still has no trouble cooling . I have idled this computer for hours now and see no increase in temps any were . So just what are you saying that this setup was to expensive for the cooling I am getting ? well that my friend is a matter of opinion and like every els in the world every one has one . I never can max my computer out NEVER . I have ripped DVD's CD's played games for hours . I can do any thing I want I can even FOLD with out having the CPU run at 100% so for me this was the best investment ever it cost me $150 bucks so what ? SO what if it take POWER TO RUN so do my lights and fridge I pay for so why is that an issue with you ? I think that this was a great move forward for me . To think that you can say an air cooler will give temps better than 59*c on an over clocked and over volted on a Q9650 is stupid to say the least , DO you have a Q9650 Over clocked to 4.0GHz with 1.34 Vcore ?

Edited by trickson

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Yep crazy ! I love it just make me feel all cold inside . And 59*c is the hottest it gets that is at 105.25 watts as far as watts going up ? nope that is the highest they go no more . And yes this is great . why not ? Why all the negativity twords it ? It is far better than a stock setup , right ? what your system have lower temps and is just water cooled ? I do not know what you 2 are talking about . A high end air cooler is better ? ARE YOU NUTS ?

Look at your computer right now ! Take a good look at it ! ARE you running the thing at 100% load ? do you really ever get it to 100% load ? If so are you doing this 24/7 ? If so I would love to see that ! No 99% of all computers out on the market today only used 50% of the total power of a CPU so tell me Watson is yours FULL ON 100 % load all the time ? NO I get temps as low as 2*c and that is were the money is ! I have had it on all day long heating this room up and it still has no trouble cooling . I have idled this computer for hours now and see no increase in temps any were . So just what are you saying that this setup was to expensive for the cooling I am getting ? well that my friend is a matter of opinion and like every els in the world every one has one . I never can max my computer out NEVER . I have ripped DVD's CD's played games for hours . I can do any thing I want I can even FOLD with out having the CPU run at 100% so for me this was the best investment ever it cost me $150 bucks so what ? SO what if it take POWER TO RUN so do my lights and fridge I pay for so why is that an issue with you ? I think that this was a great move forward for me . To think that you can say an air cooler will give temps better than 59*c on an over clocked and over volted on a Q9650 is stupid to say the least , DO you have a Q9650 Over clocked to 4.0GHz with 1.34 Vcore ?



here ya go



Yes, thats @ 100% load. And yes I run it @ 100% 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, as I'm a dedicated F@H user


And you're not understanding what i was saying. Paying the extra cash for a 10

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No I meant I am not folding 100% of the time all day every day .

I understand what you are saying . I am getting 1*c right now how about you ?? For me this was a great choice and from what I see you have a heavy heater there the Q9650 is a cooler CPU .

The facts still remain I will not be taking this CPU past its limits and nothing other than folding now and again will not be maxing my CPU out to 100% all the time . but pound for pound mine adds life to it when you take into account I am not exceeding 59* at 105.25 watts no less . Maybe I am wrong but one thing is for sure this was fun and I may take it to a next step who knows !

Edited by trickson

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No I meant I am not folding 100% of the time all day every day .

iunderstand what you are saying . I am getting 1*c right now how about you ??


idle temps don't mean anything ;)


thats like bragging how fuel efficient your car is when it's idling. it's pointless

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