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Ambient influence?


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Temps went up today in my area of the world, and as a result I'd bet my computer area temps went from 64 F to 70 F or there abouts. I just sat down to my computer for the first time today, and noticed that my GPU was 8 degrees C higher that is has been for that past week or so (it's new) 48 instead of 40. My core temps as reported from Realtemp had each gone up about 5 degrees C. (highest went from 48-53)


So my question is: Can a 6 degree F room temp increase = 5-8 C increase on my hardware?

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my question is, why wouldn't it? :lol:


does your hardware live in an air conditioned, isolated chamber? No it doesn't. So ANY increase or decrease in ambient temps will have a negative and positive effect on your hardware ;)

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Because that's totally possible.

(As in at the same time)

it happens all the time...even my res warms up some when the ambient rises...

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From a thermodynamics POV, the rate at which heat (energy) flows from heat source -> cold reservoir (the air all around you) is dependent on the difference (gradient) between the two. The lower the difference, the slower the heat exchange, which yields less efficient cooling for your CPU.

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Because that's totally possible.

(As in at the same time)

i meant that a positive increase in ambient will have a negative effect on hardware temps & decrease in ambient will have a positive temp effect (meaning a decrease) in hardware temps

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