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Hey I currently have a palm pre and really I am not all that happy with it is better than my last phone but still is not good enough.

So I am going to list the Pros and cons with it, and would like suggestions on new phone that might better fit my needs. First though

my phone style I use my phone primarily for net and email, so high IE compatibility due to stupid school and business standards is necessary,

Apps are a must, I msg regularly on my phone, The Pre has made he hate touch screens, I regular use my phone as myfi, and gps. I like having a good camera, I like having software updates and options, The phone needs to fast like hyper freaking fast, It needs to have a long battery life, and it needs to thin and light, and it needs to run on sprint for my issue with the pre see the below.


* thin and slides

* Light

* Linux based

* Thus easy modding and personal app writing

* can be used as a myfi

* regular updates

* app store


* Inherent screen stress cracks due to design flaw, covered by warranty but still it means down time.

* Overs heats

* Over heats lead to hard locks

* Myfi/wifi use causes over heat

* Gaming and phone apps eat lots of energy and over heat the phone

* Phone only has a 128MB of ram

* Phone has only 8GB of non-upgradeable storage.

* Memory Leaks

* OMAP3430 Processor @ 600MHZ - generates to much eat and is to slow.

* Wifi can be sketchy and eats a lot of juice

* GPS eats a lot of Juice

* Short battery Life

* Touch screen is not precise enough or intelligent enough to handle what touch capabilities it has.

* Screen lock out is ineffective against pocket dialing accidental gestures.

* Phone can not be immediately used when plugged in from a dead battery.


Thx. in advance.

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Don't judge touch screens based on one phone. Like I tell everyone that comes in asking what phone to get... go to your local Sprint store, they'll have every phone they carry on display for you to play with. Look at the phones, hold the phones, play with the phones. When I got my first iPhone, I spent an hour in the AT&T store playing with all the smart phones that were available at the time.

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I just bought the Iphone 3gs and i love it. No freezing since i got it. Does not get hot. Still have not explored all the features but so far very impressed. My wife even wants one. :O

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Don't judge touch screens based on one phone. Like I tell everyone that comes in asking what phone to get... go to your local Sprint store, they'll have every phone they carry on display for you to play with. Look at the phones, hold the phones, play with the phones. When I got my first iPhone, I spent an hour in the AT&T store playing with all the smart phones that were available at the time.


I tried that and that's how I ended up with the pre but after around 9 months with it the problems I am having or out weighing the benefit so I was looking for long term behavior of the phones.

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I tried that and that's how I ended up with the pre but after around 9 months with it the problems I am having or out weighing the benefit so I was looking for long term behavior of the phones.

While I will never truly be as happy with a FULL touch screen device (IE. A device with no physical keyboard), the fact is that touch screens are hands down the best way to navigate around when working with a device as small as a phone.


I personally love my Touch Pro (Windows Mobile), it has alot of similar traits of the typical smart phone. I love it's keyboard, the phone could be faster...but it's a old timer now so it's forgiven. Battery life is acceptable if you're not doing anything uber demanding. Usually if I'm running data connection straight from full to 0 it takes maybe an hour and a half, some times a smidge more. (though the internet is nice a peppy) I'd say the only down side to this phone is that it's not always super speedy and the video media viewing is unwatchable for the most part but for a no BS reliable utility phone, it'll always be there for me.


Being somewhat of a hypocrite I may be buying a Hero off of craigslist (which is pretty much the same phone hardware wise, outside of losing the physical keyboard. It does have a 5.0mp camera instead of a 3.2mp and has a dedicated 3.5mm audio jack).


I figure I can see if Android is worth switching too since I really like Windows Mobile (other than the select few odd apps that have the developers on their knees to the Iphone, you can find an equivalent app for pretty much anything the Iphone has (the useful apps). All the freeware is awesome and there's pretty much no reason to spend anything on programs for it) , the phone just needs a stronger CPU and GPU. (more efficient too) but even if it had the same battery life it as my phone now and could watch video smoothly. I'd be satisfied. If battery life is that much of a hassle, maybe carry an extra battery or get one of the extended options out there.


At this point in time there isn't any end all be all Phone for us Sprint users but the new HTC Evo looks pretty nice coming out soon (Android, with the new processor 1GHZ processor compared to the current 528mhz, and a HUGE ram boost).


If you want to go Windows Mobile, you could always get a Touch Pro 2, I played with one at the store and even though it's pushing the same CPU/GPU it seemed peppier (maybe more refined drivers?). It has a bigger screen, supposedly better battery life, it's multi touch capable *I think* though it's not supported by WinMo 6.5, it does have a 3.5mm audio jack. The only thing I'm kinda peeved about is that they took out a few keys out of the keyboard which I wish they left, keys that made the phone more like a computer.

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At this point in time there isn't any end all be all Phone for us Sprint users but the new HTC Evo looks pretty nice coming out soon (Android, with the new processor 1GHZ processor compared to the current 528mhz, and a HUGE ram boost).

Looks to be a pretty good phone, no word on pricing/availability yet, Sprint only says this summer:



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If they start carrying Droid then I would go with that. Sorry I can't be of more help but I get a new phone once every few years and I just got my Droid several months back and am loving it. Good luck with your search.

Edited by krazypoloc

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Wow...like only 3 hours with messing with my new Hero and OMG Android is such an awesome OS!!

I HIGHLY recommend the Hero, even though I haven't had it too long. I think I can get used to the touchscreen keyboard (and hope that something down the line has a full physical one) but needless to say, it's smooth and has some good programs from some quick surfing. I'll have to really get into the nitty gritty with it soon and master it like I did the Touch Pro.


Makes me look to the bright future of the Evo, though I'm not sure if I would upgrade unless they made one with the physical keyboard.


The only gripe I have is capacitive touch screens are fail unless the phone has every app running multi touch other wise I prefer resistive hands down. (can't use a pen/stylus/fingernail for super precise selections)

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