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Gaming Build


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Hey Guys I'm new to forum and I just wanted to get your opinions on my the build I'm going to do!

This is my first build and some constructive criticism is always good!!!


Also I'm trying to get my rig as close to 1,000 as possible as at the end of the day, I like to pay my rent!


Case - Antec 900 Two



Motherboard - GIGABYTE GA-790FXTA-UD5



Video Card - Gigabyte Radeon 4890



Power Supply - Sunbeam 750W



CPU - AMD Phenom 2 965



RAM -G.Skill Ripjaw 2x2 DDR3 1600



Hard Drive - WD Caviar Black 750 gig



CPU Cooler - Scythe Mudgen 2 Or Cooler Master Hyper 212 plus I cant decide




Dvd - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16827106289


I plan to game/use for school/do some video editing on this rig.

I also plan to do some overclocking.

If you all have any opinions or have suggestions I am open to any and all including an I7 system if you have a better one!!

Thanks Guys!

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I'd go with a 5770 instead almost as fast, but cheaper and more features. And if you plan on going crossfire later on you'll only need a 600w powersupply. I'd recommend a corsair or antec powersupply. And you could step down to a P2 955. It's cheaper and you only lose 200mhz which won't matter since your OCing.

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Thanks man, I looked at the 5770 and it deffinitly a better deal for my budget!


Any advice on the cpu cooler, I think im gonna opt for the p2 955, I wanna get it up to 3.6 maybe even 3.8 on air any advice?

Edited by Semloh

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I was really pleased with my Xigametex S1283. And it's fairly cheap. I've also heard good things about the Sunbeam Core Contact Freezer. And those black edition processors have an unlocked multiplier so they are really easy to OC.

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I was really pleased with my Xigametex S1283. And it's fairly cheap. I've also heard good things about the Sunbeam Core Contact Freezer. And those black edition processors have an unlocked multiplier so they are really easy to OC.


I'll +1 this. :)



What's the current total for this build?


If you need to shave off some more $$ you could try getting the version of tht gigabyte mob without Sata 3.0 spec or USB 3.0 spec... there's really nothing affordable yet that can really utilize it..


and if you need to take off even more, you could look at 790X mobo, the only differenec with 790FX is the 790X has 8x/8x CF and not 16x/16x CF, which wont really affect 5770 Crossfire anyway..

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Im currently sitting at $1002 which is perfect for me, in fact after rebates its down to $960.


Im going to use the Sunbeam Core Contact Freezer. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...7-004-_-Product


And I Switched to a 750W corsair power supply. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...k=corsair%20750


And I know I could get a cheaper MoBo, but I have my heart set on this one. LOL!


I think this is going to turn out to be a really good build, It's cool to actually be able to hand pick each and every part. And Im excited to overclock for the first time!! lol

Edited by Semloh

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I just put this build together for another poster here on the forums and thought you might want to take a look at it

It will perform much better at gaming than you current build and is actually cheaper.




Its cheaper and better because it puts more money into what really matters for gaming, the GPU

while using cheaper components that don't really affect gaming (motherboard, power supply, case ...)


Just add a nice heatsink and it should give you a decent overclock

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hey Bizaro,


i actually just got done reading your post on the other thread!


I really like this case though! Do you think the rosewill option would be just as good?


Also I cant decide between between a 5770 and a 5850. I like playing games but, wont I just end up replacing the 5850 in a year?

Edited by Semloh

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Sure any case will work as long as it is large enough for the 5850.

I just picked a nice cheap case that looked good and was part of a combo.


I personally love Antec cases, so if you can fit it in your budget get it.

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