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Hackers getting worse in MW2?


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I have to agree with fogel, exploits don't make someone pro, and finding the perfect mix of perks and weapons doesn't make someone pro just because it increased their efficiency in killing, you could toss nades around randomly and that would probably increase your amount of kills but I wouldn't say it makes a person pro. Pro is someone that does very well by using the environment well and has great aim and great reflexes, someone that just plays and doesn't have to spend time trying to find an exploit to get better.

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Pro is someone that does very well by using the environment well and has great aim and great reflexes, someone that just plays and doesn't have to spend time trying to find an exploit to get better.

Put it better than I did.




Oh and to be clear so we're on the same page.


Stuff programmed into the game (eg. perks, camping, etc.) for players to take advantage I don't call Exploits/Abuse.

Stuff clearly not intended by the Devs (eg. Care Package Super Human Run Speed, Glitching, etc.) I call Exploits


Only thing I'd break that rule is on Flashbangs, damn i hate the flashbangfaggots ...and even those Model 1887s pre-fix.

Edited by Fogel

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Yeah, thats what I was trying to get at, but failed miserably at explaining it...


I personally don't use any of the exploits, although I did use the care package 'glitch' for a while just for the hell of it. But yea if you have decent skill; the game isn't too hard. Running around with a silenced ump45 is too much fun for me, so I don't use anything else (other than the intervention)


IMO the only thing you need in hardcore is an ACR + red dot... that gun has like 0 recoil.



Just hold out until Bad Company IMO--I'm currently playing the beta and I must say, it mops the floor with MW2. :)

Edited by Ph4n

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Finding exploits in games is what makes you a pro though.. Taking every advantage possible, w/o modifing the game or input--if you get what I'm trying to say..

For example, take the M16 (MW2), that thing kills in 1 burst to the chest with FMJ and Stopping power--that is abuse, rather than cheating... If you can beat guys that use that, then you are more skilled.



I used to work at an internet cafe/repair shop and i used to cane everyone with my grenade launcher atatchment in cod 4.They were like 'how the hell did you hit me from that distance?!' My reply-Skill.

Edited by 00stevo

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But on topic,i seem to clearly remember IW saying that NOT having dedicated servers would mean servers without hackers.IMO,the COD 4 servers on PC where amongst the best servers ever with its variety,and they were chock full of hackers.Was there an uproar? No.So why did IW change the formula? I can understand doing it to the consoles,but on pc its just not right.

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I played one day with a group calling themselves the NUKE SQUAD. 2 kills and they'd get a nuke. I was annoyed at first but kept playing. Learned a lot on how they get 2 quick kills on different maps. I can't stand the aimbot and wallhack cheaters. Been called a hacker myself once or twice(though I don't hack) for using FMJ and shooting through a wall. I've run into one unlimited ammo hacker who sat atop a building noob-tubing endlessly.


I think the noob-tubing ruins the game. I've had entire matches where I was never shot with a bullet but tubed to death over and over. Grenade spam with the stun and flash grenades gets old. The game itself with the same maps is getting old too. I try to keep it interesting by trying out seldom used perks and guns. At first I wasn't at all interested in using a sniping rifle but now I really like it. Trying to get good with the desert eagle 50 cal pistol now.


This game could really use some new maps. When I run across hackers I just find a new game or stop playing. It's a game and if it's not fun anymore then I don't play. I won't waste any effort talking about the lack of dedicated servers. Yes it would be better if they had them but sadly they don't so I just move foreward and enjoy it.

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Wallhacking is seeing through walls with a program.


Aimbotting is using an Aimbot. Which is a program/tool that moves your gun to the enemies head and all you have to do is shoot, I have actually seen some where you don't have to shoot anymore the program even shoots for you.


Level hacking, self explanatory, but it is using a program to boost your level/rank to whatever you want it(Usually 10th prestige level 70).


Btw, I got 3 nukes today so woo :lol:


Oh and this is supposed to be for PC. Consoles you don't need hacks to be good at all :lol:

Edited by Krieg1337

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Honestly I think the problem is just the p2p system, it just isn't a good idea for a fps like this on PC. As I've heard some people say about this game, "Why not just have a server for all the cheaters?", well now the problem with that is that a lot of people that cheat do it to ruin someone else's game, however for the few that cheat just to experience something out of the ordinary it is a great idea and it was done with call of duty 4, I used to play on a mod server for call of duty 4 where you had infinite ammo, super speed, moon gravity, you name it, and it was a lot of fun and I think a lot of the people that played it were the kind that enjoyed cheating in games regularly. This however is not an option in MW2 because of the p2p system.


What I really mean though is that I think that a lot of people that got this for PC went into it half knowing that the p2p system was going to be a huge problem for the game but still wanted to get it because it was a call of duty title.

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a lot of people that got this for PC went into it half knowing that the p2p system was going to be a huge problem for the game but still wanted to get it because it was a call of duty title.



A lot of people got it because the first game was very good and because there was nothing else worth playing online; FPS anyway.

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there was nothing else worth playing online; FPS anyway.

There will be now. MW2 is going down so hard so fast. Was going down even before it came out but thats another story.

Too bad I won't be able to play it since I gotta spend my money on the LanParty I'm going to. Could always sell the mobo I won in the Christmas contest but no buyer. :( I'll prolly get bc2 later this year but I wanted to preorder cuz they give u some sweet stuff.

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