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Instability Signs

wake boy45

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I overclocked my CPU from 2.5 to 2.7Ghz and want to go further but not sure what to look for in instability signs. I ran prime 95 and it hits 70C maxed out and will idle from 35 to 43C. If it is instable will the temps be high and the computer crash frequently? Not to sure as to what to look for. Thanks.

Edit: Haven't changed voltages. If I need to change voltages I really don't think I will because it's just not worth it. Stock voltage is 1.325 I think.

Edited by wake boy45

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Not sure if your running the stock heat sink fan or not. if you are running the stock HSF then take it off and redo the thermal compound with some arctic silver 5 and see if that helps you squeeze a bit more out of it. I have been able to drops the temps, sometimes over 20c, in the past just by doing a better job with the thermal interface material. see if that helps your temps then you can overclock some more. :) Other then that if you want it to stay cooler its time for a better HSF.


Also if you want to save some time in posting you can go into you controls and change your personal signature to suit you. and you can throw your computers specifications in there to help others help you.


good luck. Boinker.

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Alright thanks and yes im running the stock cooler. Do you know i the spin q is a good heat sinc?


Let's just say there are far better for the money. Maybe tell us your budget and where you shop at and we can help you find the best for your money.

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