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When u test, watch the temperature. If it goes too high...like 100...it's probably too much. Also when u test with the occt gpu test, look for artifacts, they will show as yellow squares on the monitor while testing and you will see how many of them there has been in the upper left corner when you test. You need to have Error Check enabled but as I can see it is. So basically if your pc crashes, you see artifacts or your temeperature goes into the 100+, it's time to back off.

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I never really understood those OCCT graphics. Don't mind them. All you need to know is that if the card passes the test, it's good, if it doesn't it's bad. I also forgot to say that when you reach your final overclock and are happy, the final test you should do, should be much longer than 15 minutes. I'd say 3 - 4 hours.


For the graphs if you are interested, I think the CPU 1 2 3 and 4 might be the different gpu chips. If you get GPUZ and go into the Sensors tab, you'll see a few "GPU Temp." temperatures with different extentions like (DISPIO), (MEMIO), (SHADERCORE), the forth one is simply the gpu temp. So that makes 4. I'd say it's those.

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Without occt you can OC the old school way. Actually you can do a mixture. Stress test with Benchmarks and your favorite games.


The old school way


Start with the GPU clock fans at 100%. A lot of times ppl OC higher and higher in small increments until the first visual artifacts start then back down the OC slightly. Most always the artifacts occur when the mhz and heat is too much for the card to handle. If you raise the mhz slowly then artifacts can be used as guidance as they usually happen before complete instability which leads to crashing. Once you find your happy OC you can then watch your temps if you like but if you start running too hot your card will cause artifacts or crash when the temps are too much for it to handle. If your not having artifacts or crashing then your temps should be okay. That doesnt mean you should disregard temps all together but i can tell you many ppl OC the GPUs to a stable speed and go with it often barely checking temps unless they find reason to. See after OCing the gpu you may come across a random game that your OC isnt stable well where it was fine on all others. You may have to drop it a bit in those cases. I usually leave it at the highest i can run all my games on. So if i find one that i have to drop it a bit on, i leave it there permanently. Eventually you will have a max OC that works on everything.


The memory is a bit tougher. Start it after you have a stable GPU clock OC. It could crash your game without any artifacts or indication. But if you slowly raise it the same way then test it. watch your screen close because you often do see indications of instability that you can go on (or in worse cases sometimes the game or whatever your stressing with may crash). afterwards back off some.


ps .....Better cooling is always better.

Edited by ocre

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If you wish, you could get an aftermarket cooler for the GPU which might give you some more OC room. Though the 5700 coolers should be competent enough to give you a good OC. Though cooling is important, luck also plays a part in overclocking. Getting a good chip can lead to very high overclocks on a card, but getting a bad chip could lead to no overclocking. We're talking about the same exact model. Some people buy a bunch of CPUs of the same exact kind and tests them all, just to keep the best overclocker among them.

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hmmmm yea i got up to 815mhz and then got tired so i recorded were everything was and went back to default. can i start back up tommorow and put in the same exact numbers and keep going or have to start all over again

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hmmmm yea i got up to 815mhz and then got tired so i recorded were everything was and went back to default. can i start back up tommorow and put in the same exact numbers and keep going or have to start all over again


have u tryed to see if it would play it? i really think it will do well like it is

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You can leave it if the overclock is stable.


Also, make sure the graphics card isn't artifacting (weird graphical glitching in 3D games). This is one of the most common signs that your overclock is too high.


Here's an example of artifacting:



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